




E-mail: [email protected]



2023.07-至今 中山大学, 博彩网站 , 副教授

2020.07-2023.06 中山大学, 博彩网站 , 博士后

2016.09-2020.06 中山大学, 环境工程专业, 博士











1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 厌氧膜生物反应器中游离水解/发酵菌群的形成及其对膜污染的作用机制与调控研究, 2023.01-2025.12, 主持

2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金区域联合基金-青年基金项目, 基于原位强化内碳源转化利用的MBR污水高效低耗处理新工艺研究, 2020.10-2023.09, 主持

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 污水土著菌对膜生物反应器性能的微生态作用机制研究, 2020.09-2022.08, 主持

4. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 厌氧发酵系统中微生物种间关系的波动机制及其对产气效能的影响, 2022.01-2024.12, 参与

5. 国家科学技术部重点研发计划国际合作重点项目, 高效低耗污水处理新技术, 2018.07-2020.12, 参与

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 基于纳米红外光谱原位成像的MBR膜污染机制研究, 2019.01-2022.12, 参与



1. Ronghua Xu, Hongcan Cui, Fuqiang Fan, Meng Zhang, Shasha Yuan, Depeng Wang, Zhihao Gan, Zhong Yu, Chao Wang, Fangang Meng*. Combination of Sequencing Batch Operation and A/O Process to Achieve Partial Mainstream Anammox: Pilot-Scale Demonstration and Microbial Ecological Mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(37): 13887-13900.

2. Ronghua Xu, Wentian Zhang, Yue Fu, Fuqiang Fan*, Zanmin Zhou, Jincan Chen, Wanli Liu, Fangang Meng*. The positive roles of influent species immigration in mitigating membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors treating municipal wastewater. Water Research, 2023, 235: 119907.

3. Ronghua Xu, Fuqiang Fan, Qining Lin, Shasha Yuan, Fangang Meng*. Overlooked Ecological Roles of Influent Wastewater Microflora in Improving Biological Phosphorus Removal in an Anoxic/Aerobic MBR Process. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 9, 6270–6280.

4. Ronghua Xu, Shaoqing Zhang, Fangang Meng*. Large-sized planktonic bioaggregates possess high biofilm formation potentials: Bacterial succession and assembly in the biofilm metacommunity. Water Research, 2020, 170: 115307.

5. Ronghua Xu, Zhong Yu, Shaoqing Zhang, Fangang Meng*. Bacterial assembly in the bio-cake of membrane bioreactors: stochastic vs. deterministic processes. Water Research, 2019, 157: 535-545.

6. Ronghua Xu, Yuanyuan Yao, Zhongbo Zhou, Yu-Xi Huang, Shanshan Zhao, Fangang Meng*. Immobilization of Hydrolytic/Fermentative Bacteria to Achieve Ultra-low Fouling in Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452: 138821.

7. Ronghua Xu, Yue Fu, Yubo Xu, Xing Zheng, Yu-Xi Huang*, Fangang Meng. Comparing biotransformation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) under aerobic and anoxic conditions: Reactivities, components, and bacterial responses. Chemosphere, 2022, 296: 133996.

8. Ronghua Xu, Yue Fu, Yubo Xu, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhongbo Zhou, Xing Zheng, Fangang Meng*. Interactive Effects between the Bio-Reactivity Continuum and the Ecological Role of Soluble Microbial Products during Biotransformation. ACS ES&T Water, 2022, 2, 5, 883–894.

9. Chunli Chen, Zhihao Gan, Ronghua Xu*, Fangang Meng*. Cellulose-induced shifts in microbial communities and microbial interactions in an anoxic/aerobic membrane bioreactor. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 42 (2021) 102106.

10. Ronghua Xu, Zhongbo Zhou, Fangang Meng*. The mechanical scouring of bio-carriers improves phosphorus removal and mediates functional microbiomes in membrane bioreactors. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2018, 4(2): 241-252.



1. 一种污水处理方法及其装置, ZL202210603619.6

2. 一种强化脱氮的方法及其装置, ZL202210340335.2

3.一种利用原位产气减缓MBR膜污染的加药反洗方法和系统, ZL202111237160.4

4. 一种序批式污水处理装置, ZL202120472520.8

5. 一种半固定式移动床生物膜反应器, ZL201821616770.9