



通过结合微生物培养、组学分析、分子生物技术开发应用及新型反应器设计运行的交叉研究,以土壤与水环境中卤代有机物循环(Halocycle)、卤代有机物污染修复、生物质厌氧消化及城市水环境污染修复为应用对象,聚焦其微生物还原过程研究与技术开发。其中,所获得的多氯联苯(PCBs)脱氯菌株及其功能基因信息是该研究领域近30年来的重大突破(Wang et al., PNAS, 2014; Bedard, PNAS, 2014)。相关研究成果发表在PNASEnvironmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Microbiology等重要学术期刊。







地址:广州市番禺区外环东路132号博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,5100006
E-mail: [email protected]  



2008.1-2012.6       新加坡国立大学      博士

2004.9-2007.6       北京师范大学         硕士

2000.9-2004.6       北京科技大学         学士



2020.1- 至今         中山大学                          教授

2016.1-2019.12     中山大学                          副教授

2014.7-2015.12     伊利诺伊大学香槟分校       博士后

2012.7-2014.6       新加坡国立大学                 博士后

2012.7-2014.6       新加坡基因研究所              访问博士后












  • 中山大学质量工程及教学改革研究项目,《环境分子微生物学》(18832609, 2018-2020),项目主持人
  • 中山大学全英课程群建设项目,《环境分子生物学与技术》专业骨干课程群(31911112, 2018-2020),项目主持人
  • 《环境分子微生物学》教材汪善全等主编,科学出版社,2022.
  • Wang S*, Lu H, Zhao C, Juneau P. 2021. A Systematic Approach to Promote Environmental Engineering Students’ Learning in Environmental Molecular Microbiology. J Microbiol Biol Educ. 22: 1-3.



  1. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目(42161160306,2022-2024)
  2. 国家重点研发项目子课题(2021YFC1910400,2022-2024
  3. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室青年人才支持项目(SML2021SP317, 2021-2024)
  4. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目(41922049,2020-2022)
  5. 中山大学高校青年教师重点项目(31620635,2020-2021)
  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41877111,2019-2022)
  7. 广东省-温氏集团联合基金重大基础研究培育项目(2018B030314012,2018-2022)
  8. 广州市科技计划项目(201804010141,2018-2020)
  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41671310,2017-2020)
  10. 中山大学“百人计划”急需人才杰出青年类基金(18821102,2016-2018)




  1. Wang, S.*, Wang, Y., He, X., Lu, Q.* (2022) Degradation or humification: rethinking strategies to attenuate organic pollutants. Trends Biotechnol. DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2022.02.007.
  2. Lu, Q., Liang, Y., Fang, W., Guan, K.L., Huang, C., Qi, X., Liang, Z., Zeng, Y., Luo, X., He, Z., Mai, B., Wang, S.* (2021) Spatial Distribution, Bioconversion and Ecological Risk of PCBs and PBDEs in the Surface Sediment of Contaminated Urban Rivers: A Nationwide Study in China. Environ Sci Technol. 55(14): 9579-9590. 
  3. Liang, Z., Fang, W., Luo, Y., Lu, Q., Juneau, P., He, Z., Wang, S.* (2021) Mechanistic insights into organic carbon-driven water blackening and odorization of urban rivers. J Hazard Mater. 405: 124663.
  4. Qiu, L., Fang, W., He, H., Liang, Z., Zhan, Y., Lu, Q., Liang, D., He, Z., Mai, B., Wang, S.* (2020) Organohalide-Respiring Bacteria in Polluted Urban Rivers Employ Novel Bifunctional Reductive Dehalogenases to Dechlorinate Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Tetrachloroethene. Environ Sci Technol. 54(14): 8791-8800.
  5. Xu, G.†, Lu, Q.†, Ling, Y., Wang, S.* (2019) Tetrachlroethene primes reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in river sediment microcosm. Water Res. 152:87-95.
  6. Yu, L.†, Lu, Q.†, Qiu, L., Xu, G., Zeng, Y., Luo, X., Wang, S.*, Mai, B. (2018) Enantioselective Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 24:1300-18.
  7. Wang, S.*, Qiu, L., Liu, X., Xu, G., Siegert, M., Lu, Q., Juneau, P., Yu, L.*, Liang, D.*, He, Z., Qiu, R. (2018) Electron transport chains in organohalide-respiring bacteria and bioremediation implications. Biotechnol. Adv. 36(4):1194-1206. 
  8. Wang, S.*, Chen, S., Wang, Y., Low, A., Lu, Q., Qiu, R.* (2016) Integration of organohalide-respiring bacteria and nanoscale zero-valent iron (Bio-nZVI-RD): a perfect marriage for the remediation of organohalide pollutants? Biotechol. Adv. 34(8):1384-1395.
  9. Wang, S.†, Chng, K.R.†, Wilm, A., Zhao, S., Nagarajan, N.*, He, J.* (2014) Genomic characterization of three unique Dehalococcoides that respire on persistent polychlorinated biphenyls. PNAS. 111(33): 12103-8. †These authors contributed equally. (Featured as PNAS cover story, and highlighted in Science Daily, Lianhe Zaobao, Asian Scientist Magazine, Dredgingtoday and BioSpace)
  10. Wang, S., He, J.* (2011) Separation of fluorescence-labelled terminal restriction fragment DNA on a two-dimensional gel (T-RFs-2D) - an efficient approach for microbial consortium characterization. Environ. Microbiol. 13(9):2565-2575.


Wang, S., He, J., Shen, C., Manefield, M. J., eds. (2019). Organohalide Respiration: New Findings in Metabolic Mechanisms and Bioremediation Applications. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-848-6