
刘伟,男,197111月生,吉林辽源人,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。现任中山大学环境工程研究中心常务副主任。2001年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获工学博士学位,2003-2005在香港科技大学从事博士后研究。2004进入博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 任副教授。主要从事水污染控制工程理论与应用的研究。具体研究方向包括:饮用水安全保障技术、水污染控制工程、基因工程菌及水体生态修复。主持多项国家自然科学基金、广东省应用型科技专项、产学研合作项目。发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇;获得授权发明专利1项,实用新型专利10项。



地址:广东省广州市大学城外环东路132号博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 A412


E-mail[email protected]



2013-至今 博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,教授

2004-2013 博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,副教授

2003-2005 香港科技大学土木工程学系,博士后,副教授

2001-2003 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,博士后,讲师

1995-2001 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,市政工程专业,工学硕士、博士




Journal of Environmental Engineering, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Sensors, Analytical letters, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering等国际期刊审稿人




国家自然科学基金紫外强化氯消毒协同作用机理研究编号50978259 (2010-2012, 负责人,36)





The Innovation and Technology Fund, HongKong "Development of a single, integrated UV/self-generated ozone advanced oxidation reactor for water treatment "ITS/336/09 (2009-2012Co-investigatorHKD 971,750)












1)      Yongmei Liang, Xiaodong Lin, Zaili Zhang, Jun Lu, Ling Zhang and Wei Liu (2015) Integrity of PVC membranes after sequential cleaning with hypochlorite and citric acid. Desalination and water treatment, 53(11): 2897-2904. 通讯作者 IF 0.852

2)      Qianjun Guo, Zaili Zhang, Zhengbo Ma, and Yongmei Liang, Wei Liu. (2014) Fluorescence characteristics of natural organic matter in water under sequential exposure to UV irradiation/chlor(am)ination. Water Science & Technology: water supply, 14(1)22-30. 通讯作者

3)      Fang Jingyun, Liu Huiling, Shang Chii, Zeng Minzhen, Ni Mengling, Liu Wei (2014) E-coli and bacteriophage MS2 disinfection by UV, ozone and the combined UV and ozone processes. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 8(4), 547-552. 

4)      Xin Yang, Wanhong Guo, Xing Zhang, Feng Chen, Tingjin Ye, Wei Liu. (2013) Formation of disinfection by-products after pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide or ferrate. Water Research, 47(15), 5856-5864. 通讯作者 IF 4.655 他引7

5)      Kun Chen, Zai-li Zhang, Yong-mei Liang and Wei Liu. (2013) Graphene-based electrochemical sensor for rapid determination of phenols in water. Sensors,13(5): 6204-6216. 通讯作者 IF 1.953 他引8

6)      Yong-mei Liang, Jun Lu, Xue-bo Qin, Xin Yang, Bin Chen, Zai-li Zhang, Wei Liu. (2013) Effluent particle size and permeability of polyvinylchloride membranes after sodium hypochlorite exposure. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139:712-718. 通讯作者 IF 1.399 他引1

7)      Yong-mei Liang, Zaili Zhang, Xin Yang, and Wei Liu. (2013) Effect of Suspended Solids on the Sequential Disinfection of Secondary Effluent by UV Irradiation and Chlorination. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139(12), 1482-1487. 通讯作者 IF 1.399 他引5

8)      Kai-sheng Yu, Jian-ying Shi, Zai-li Zhang, Yong-mei Liang and Wei Liu. (2013) Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalysis of ZnO and Er-doped ZnO. Journal of Nanomaterials. Volume 2013, Article ID 372951, 5 pages 通讯作者 IF 1.547

9)      Zai-li Zhang, Ling Zhang, Yong-mei Liang, Ya-liang Zhou, Jin-can Chen and Liu Wei. (2013) Pilot-scale operation of enhanced anaerobic digestion of nutrient-deficient municipal sludge by ultrasonic pretreatment and co-digestion of kitchen garbage. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1: 73-78. 通讯作者 The Top 5 Most Downloaded Articles in 2013.他引3

10)   Wenhui Gan, Wanhong Guo, Jianmin Mo, Yisen He, Yongjian Liu, Wei Liu, Yongmei Liang, Xin Yang (2013) The occurrence of disinfection by-products in municipal drinking water in China's Pearl River Delta and a multipathway cancer risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 447(1): 108-115. IF 3.258 他引11

11)   Lingjun Kong, ShuangHong Tian, Rongshu Luo, Wei Liu, YuTing Tu, Ya Xiong (2013) Demineralization of sludge-based adsorbent by post-washing for development of porosity and removal of dyes. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88(8): 1473-1480. IF 2.504 他引2

12)   Wei Liu, Zaili Zhang, Xin Yang, Yiyue Xu, Yongmei Liang.(2012) Effects of UV irradiation and UV/chlorine co-exposure on natural organic matter in water. Science of the Total Environment, 414: 576-584. 第一作者 IF 3.258 他引9

13)   Xin Yang, Jinfeng Peng, Baiyang Chen, Wanhong Wu, Yongmei Liang, Wei Liu and Lu Liu (2012) Effects of ozone and ozone/peroxide pretreatments on disinfection byproduct formation during subsequent chlorination and chloramination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 239-240: 348-354. IF 3.925 他引11



1)      Liao H., Fang J., Shang C., Zeng M., Chen Z., Ni M. and Liu W. (2011) An integrated UV/ozone reactor with ozone generated from the same UV lamp, IUVA News, 13(4), 22–26.

2)      Zeng M., Fang J., Shang C. and Liu W. (2011) E. coli and bacteriophage MS-2 disinfection by UV, ozone and the combined UV and ozone processes, 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, October, Tokyo, Japan.

3)      Liao H., Fang J., Shang C. and Liu W. (2011) Design and evaluation of a reactor using ultraviolet light and ozone co-generated from the same UV lamp, 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, October, Tokyo, Japan.

4)      Fang J., Shang C., Zeng M., Liao H., Chen Z., Ni M. and Liu W. (2011) Development of an integrated UV/self-generated ozone advanced oxidation reactor for water treatment, IOA & IUVA 2011 North American Joint Regional Conference, September, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

5)      Fang J., Chen Z., Zeng M.,Shang C. and Liu W. (2011) Micro-pollutant degradation in tap water by UV, ozone and UV/ozone processes, IOA & IUVA 2011 North American Joint Regional Conference, September, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

6)      Jun Lu, Zaili Zhang, Tingjin Ye, Xuebo Qin, Yukun Huang, Xin Yang, Wangxin Luo, Bing  Chen, Wei Liu, Yongmei Liang. (2011) Ageing of polyvinylchloride membranes in ultrafiltration of drinking water by chemical cleaning. The International Workshop on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (WCEUP 2011) (EI)



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