王鹏,中山大学二级教授,中山大学工学部学术委员会副主任,逸仙学者领军人才,国际空气集水协会共同创会主席。国家级重大(海外)人才工程入选者(2021年),Environmental Science & Technology(ES&T)执行主编,科睿唯安2023年度全球“高被引科学家”,英国皇家化学学会会士。迄今已发表学术文章>130篇,包括Environmental Science & Technology、Nature Water、Joule、Nature Sustainability、Nature Communications、Energy & Environmental Science、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angewandte Chemie、Advanced Materials等权威期刊,出版英文著作3部。2009年作为首批创校者加盟沙特阿拉伯的阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST),2013到2017年间担任KAUST环境科学和工程系主任,2019到2023年间为KAUST和香港理工大学双聘。2023年获得阿联酋国际水奖(The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Water Award ),在2021年被授予南京大学紫金全兴“杰出校友”奖,2020年获得苏尔坦王子国际水奖(9th)(The Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water),2020年获华人环境教授协会科研先锋奖 (CAPEES/Nanova Frontier Research Award),2022年受邀担任香港特别行政区水务署咨询委员会委员。
Dr. Peng Wang is Chair Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) in China, Founding Director of Carbon Neutrality and Green Development at SYSU, and Vice Chair of Academic Affairs Committee of Engineering Division at SYSU. He is among Clarivate Global ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ (2023). He joined King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia in 2009 as a founding faculty member. He was the chair of Environmental Science & Engineering program at KAUST from 2013 to 2017. He spent four years at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2019 to 2023 while on a no-pay leave from KAUST. His research focuses on renewable energy driven clean water production and wastewater treatment and sustainable water-energy nexus. Dr. Wang is the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). He was awarded The Mohammed Bin Rashid Global Water Award (3rd cycle) in the category of ‘Distinguished Researcher’ in 2023, ‘Zijin Quanxing Distinguished Alumni Award’ of Nanjing University in 2021, 9th Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW) in 2020, and Nanova Frontier Research Award from the Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science (CAPEES) in 2020. Dr. Wang serves as an Executive Editor and Associate Editor of Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), an academic journal published by American Chemical Society (ACS) since 1967. He is a member of Advisory Committee on Water Supplies at Hong Kong. He serves as Co-Founding President of International Atmospheric Water Harvesting Association (IAWHA) (//www.iawha.org/) since May 2024.
研究领域(Research Areas)
(Sea)water desalination, recovery of resources with strategic importance, wastewater treatment and reclamation, atmospheric water harvesting, photothermal processes and applications, membrane-based separation, electrochemical processes for environmental applications, clean and renewable energy, environmental management, low-carbon technologies, water-energy-agriculture-environment nexus
- 2004.09-2008.03,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB),环境科学与管理,博士
09/2004-03/2008, Ph.D. of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
- 2002.09-2004.07,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB),环境科学与管理,硕士
09/2002-07/2004, Master of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
- 1997.09-2000.07,中山大学,环境地理,硕士
09/1997-07/2000, Master of Environmental Geography, Sun Yat-Sen University. China
- 1993.09-1997.07,南京大学,环境科学,学士
09/1993-07/1997, Bachelor of Environmental Science, Nanjing University, China
工作经历(Employment History)
- 2023年7月至今:教授,中山大学
07/2023- present Full Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
- 2019年7月-2023年1月:教授,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST),沙特阿拉伯
07/2019-01/2023 Professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. Note: Professor Wang was on a no-pay leave from KAUST from July 2019 to January 2023, during which he kept his research lab running at KAUST.
- 2019年8月-2023年6月:副教授,香港理工大学
08/2019-06/2023 Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
- 2014年7月-2019年6月:副教授,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST),沙特阿拉伯
07/2014-06/2019 Associate Professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Note: promoted to Full Professor 2 years earlier than the schedule.)
- 2009年9月-2014年6月:助理教授,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST),沙特阿拉伯
09/2009-06/2014 Assistant Professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Note: promoted to Associate Professor one year earlier than the schedule.)
- 2008年7月-2009年8月:博士后,香港科技大学
07/2008-08/2009 Postdoc, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- 2008年3月-2008年7月:博士后,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)
03/2008-07/2008 Postdoc, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
- 2000年8月-2002年8月:职员,广州市交通局
08/2000-08/2002 Employee, Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Transportation, Guangzhou, China
学术服务(Editorial Services)
- 2024年5月起:国际空气集水协会共同创会主席(Co-Founding President, International Atmospheric Water Harvesting Association (IAWHA) )(05/2024 – present) (//www.iawha.org/)
- 2024年2月起:编委(Editorial Board),Fundamental Research (link)
- 2023年10月起:编委(Editorial Board),NPJ Clean Water (link)
- 2021年5月起:执行主编(Executive Editor), Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) (link)
- 2020年2月起:副主编(Associate Editor),Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T)(link)
近期获得奖项和荣誉(Recent Major Awards and Visibility)
- 2024年:苏尔坦亲王大学 土木和环境工程专业 指导委员会(Advisory Board Member, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Prince Sultan University)
- 2023年:科睿唯安 “全球高被引科学家”(Clarivate ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ in 2023) (链接)(link)
- 2023年:第三届阿联酋国际水奖(The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Water Award)(3rd cycle in 2023)(in the category of Distinguished Research)(链接)(link)
- 2022年:Donald Baker Robinson Lectureship, Chemical and Materials Engineering Department, University of Alberta (链接) (link)
- 2022年:受邀担任香港特别行政区水务署咨询委员会委员(Advisory Committee on Water Supplies at Hong Kong) (链接) (link)
- 2021年:入选国家重大人才引进计划 (National Talent Program)
- 2021年:南京大学紫金全兴“杰出校友”奖 (Zijin Quanxing Distinguished Alumni Award’ of Nanjing University) (2021) (链接)
- 2021年:英国皇家化学学会会士(Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry)(2021)
- 2020年:第九届苏尔坦王子国际水奖(9th Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water)(2020)(链接)(link)
备注:苏尔坦王子国际水奖的过往获奖人包括17位美国国家工程院、科学院院士以及1位诺贝尔奖得主。王鹏教授是大中华区第一位获得该奖项者。The previous award winners of PSIPW include 16 members of U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and one Nobel Prize laureate. Peng Wang was the first person from the Greater China area to ever win this prize.
- 2020年:美国华人环境工程和科学教授协会科研先锋奖(Nanova Frontier Research Award of Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science)(链接) (link)
备注:王鹏教授是大中华区第一位获得该奖项的科研工作者。Peng Wang was the first person from the Greater China area to win this award.)
- Emerging Investigator, Environmental Science: Nano (The inaugural emerging investigator of the journal), 2018 (link)
- 废物回收冠军Recycling Champion, KAUST, Saudi Arabia 2014
近期重要媒体报道和关注(Recent Visibility, Media Interviews and Highlights)
- 2024年:接受经济学人(The Economist)杂志采访,讨论空气中水蒸气收集领域发展机遇和挑战等等,采访内容在杂志的2024年3月期上发表(文章题目:‘How to harvest moisture from the atmosphere’)(链接)。
Interviewed by The Economist on the challenges and opportunities of atmospheric water harvesting. The interview was published in the issue of March 2024 with the title of ‘how to harvest moisture from the atmosphere’. (link)
- 2024年3月:英国皇家化学学会全球海报会议:环境化学分会主席(链接)
Chair of Environmental Chemistry Section of 2024 Poster Conference by Royal Society of Chemistry(link)
- 2023年11月:参与组织在阿联酋迪拜举办的COP28中国角主题边会 “讲述应对气候变化中国故事暨全球低碳城市和城市群气候治理",边会获得生态环境部COP28中国角优秀边会。新华网对边会做了整版报道(链接)。
Organizer of COP28 Side Event of ‘Telling China's Story on Tackling Climate Change and Global Climate Governance in Megacities and Urban Agglomerations’, which was well received and appreciated by the stakeholders involved. (link)
- 2023年10月:接受Nature杂志采访,讨论空气中水蒸气收集研究方向的现状,存在问题,发展空间和应用潜力等等。Nature在2023年12月以展望(outlook)的形式发表了采访内容(链接)。
Interviewed by Nature on the status quo and future perspectives of atmospheric water harvesting, which was later summarized and published as an outlook in December 2023.(link)
- 2022年3月:超过一百家国际媒体集中报道了我们开发的太阳能驱动的协同产水,产电,和农业种植的新技术(链接)
- 2022年3月21日:AccuWeather关于产电、产水和农业联产技术电视采访
TV Interview: co-generation of electricity, water and crops by AccuWeather, 03/31/2022
- 2021年5月20日:Gulf Intelligence组织的关于水和能源关系的电台访谈
Radio Dialogues on Water-Energy Nexus organized by Gulf Intelligence (GI), 05/20/2021 (链接) (link)
- 2020年6月16日:德国公共广播电台(German Public Radio)采访(链接)
Radio Interview: German Public Radio (WDR) (link), 06/16/2020
- 2020年6月7日:香港英文广播电台采访(链接)
Radio Interview: RTHK Radio 3 (123 show) (link), 06/07/2020
- 2020年4月:《科学》杂志重点报道我们的空气中水蒸气用于光伏板降温的研究工作:New solar panels suck water from air to cool themselves down
- 2020年4月:受邀在自然-可持续发展社区发表观点文章:Atmospheric Water Cools Photovoltaics and More
- 2019年12月:在海湾新闻(Gulf News)发表专栏文章:How the world can move into a decarbonised economy?
- 2019年7月12日:英国广播公司电台(BBC Radio)专访(Science in Action with Roland Piece)(链接)(link)
Radio Interview: BBC Radio (Science in Action with Roland Piece) (link), 07/12/2019
- 2019年7月9日:英国广播公司世界新闻(BBC World News)电视采访
TV Interview: BBC World News (Outside Source with Ros Atkins), 07/09/2019
- 在Nature Communications上发表的协同产电和产水的文章被评为期刊2019年度的化学与材料类排名前五十之一(链接),文章阅读量从2019年7月至今(2024年2月)已经超过7万(链接),并在2022年5月被选入“Waiting for Nature Water’虚拟特刊(链接)
- 2019年7月:光伏-膜蒸馏技术被国际媒体广泛报道,包括英国广播新闻BBC News,英国卫报The Guardian,福布斯杂志Forbes,中国央视CCTV News,明报Mingbo,阿拉伯新闻Arab News,全球经济时报 Economic Times,光伏杂志PV magazine, 海水淡化Water Desalination Report等
- 2017年08月国际水协会(International Water Association (IWA))以发现之旅(A Voyage of Discovery)为主题其杂志上(Source Magazine)重点报道王鹏教授的科研历程。
- 2017年08月国际水协会(International Water Association (IWA))出版社就 废水回用进行专访(链接)
近期代表性论文(Recent Representative Publications)
- Li R.; Wang P.* Sorbents, processes and applications beyond water production in sorption-based atmospheric water harvesting. Nature Water, 2023, 1, 573-586.
- Chang J.; Shi L.; Zhang M*.; Li R.; Shi Y.; Yu X.; Pang K.; Qu L*.; Wang P.*; Yuan J.* Tailor-Made White Photothermal Fabrics: A Bridge between Pragmatism and Aesthetic. Advanced Materials, 2023, 2209215.
- Li R.; Wang W.; Shi Y.; Wang C.; Wang P.* Advanced Material Design and Engineering for Water‐Based Evaporative Cooling. Advanced Materials, 2023: 2209460.
- Xu N.; Li J.; Finnerty C.; Song Y.; Zhou L.; Zhu B.; Wang P. *; Mi B. *; Zhu J.* Going beyond efficiency for solar evaporation. Nature Water, 2023, 1, 494-501.
- Zhang, H.; Kang Z.; Han J.; Wang P.*; Fan J.; Sheng G.* Photothermal Nanoconfinement Reactor: Boosting Chemical Reactivity with Locally High Temperature in a Confined Space, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 134(26) e202200093.
- Li, R.; Wu M.; Aleid S.; Zhang, C.; Wang, P.* An Integrated Solar Driven System Produces Electricity with Freshwater and Crops in Arid Regions, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3, 100781.
- Wang, W.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, C.; Li, R.; Wu, M.; Zhuo, S.; Aleid, S.; Wang, P.* Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy for Cooling, Energy and Environmental Science, 2022, 15, 136-145.
- Wang, W.; Aleid, S.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, C.; Li, R.; Wu, M.; Zhuo, S.; Wang, P.* Integrated Solar-driven PV Cooling and Seawater Desalination with Zero Liquid Discharge, Joule, 2021, 5(7), 1873-1887.
- Zhang, C.; Shi, Y.; Shi, L.; Li, H.X.; Li, R.Y.; Hong, S.; Zuo, S.F.; Zhang, T.J.; Wang, P.* Design of Next Generation Solar Crystallizer for Real Seawater Desalination Brine Treatment, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 998.
- Wang, W.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, C.; Li, R.; Wu, M.; Zhuo, S.; Aleid, S.; Wang, P.* Solar Seawater Distillation by Flexible and Fully Passive Multistage Membrane Distillation, Nano Letters, 2021, 21, 12, 5068-5074.
- Hong, S.; Zou, G.; Kim, H.; Huang, D.; Wang, P.*; Husam, N.A.* Photothermoelectric Response of Ti3C2Tx MXene Confined Ion Channels, ACS Nano 2020, 14(7), 9042-9049.
- Li, R.; Shi, Y.; Wu, M.; Hong, S.; Wang, P.* Photovoltaic Panel Cooling by Atmospheric Water Sorption-Evaporation Cycle. Nature Sustainability 2020, 3, 636-643.
- Wang, W.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, C.; Hong, S.; Shi, L.; Chang, J.; Li, R.; Jin, Y.; Ong, C.; Zhuo, S.; Wang, P.* Simultaneous Production of Fresh Water and Electricity via Multistage Solar Photovoltaic Membrane Distillation. Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), 1-9.
- Hong, S.; Ming, F.; Shi, Y.; Li, R.; Kim, I. S.; Alshareef, H. N.*, Tang, C. Y.;Wang, P.* Two-Dimensional Ti3C2Tx MXene Membranes as Nanofluidic Osmotic Power Generators. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (8), 8917-8925.
- Jin, Y.; Qamar, A.; Shi, Y.; Wang, P.* Preferential Water Condensation On Superhydrophobic Nano-Cones Array. Applied Physics Letters 2018, 113 (21), 211601.
- Shi, Y.; Zhang, C.; Li, R.; Zhuo, S.; Jin, Y.; Shi, L.; Hong, S.; Chang, J.; Ong, C.; Wang, P.* Solar Evaporator with Controlled Salt Precipitation for Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (20), 11822-11830.
- Li, R.; Shi, Y.; Alsaedi, M.; Wu, M.; Shi, L.; Wang, P.* Hybrid Hydrogel with High Water Vapor Harvesting Capacity for Deployable Solar-Driven Atmospheric Water Generator. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (19), 11367-11377.
- Zhuo, S.; Shi, Y.; Liu, L.; Li, R.; Shi, L.; Anjum, D. H.; Han, Y.*; Wang, P.* Dual-Template Engineering of Triple-Layered Nanoarray Electrode of Metal Chalcogenides Sandwiched with Hydrogen-Substituted Graphdiyne. Nature Communications 2018, 9 (1), 3132.
- Shi, Y.; Li, R.; Jin, Y.; Zhuo, S.; Shi, L.; Chang, J.; Hong, S.; Ng, K.-C.; Wang, P.* A 3D Photothermal Structure toward Improved Energy Efficiency in Solar Steam Generation. Joule 2018, 2 (6), 1171-1186.
- Wang, P.* Emerging Investigator Series: the Rise of Nano-Enabled Photothermal Materials for Water Evaporation and Clean Water Production by Sunlight. Environmental Science: Nano 2018, 5 (5), 1078-1089.
- Li, R.; Shi, Y.; Shi, L.; Alsaedi, M.; Wang, P.* Harvesting Water from Air: Using Anhydrous Salt with Sunlight. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (9), 5398-5406.
- Chang, J.; Zhang, L.;* Wang, P.* Intelligent Environmental Nanomaterials. Environmental Science: Nano 2018, 5 (4), 811-836 (Invited critical review).
- Li, R.; Zhang, L.; Shi, L.; Wang, P.* MXene Ti3C2: an Effective 2D Light-to-Heat Conversion Material. ACS Nano 2017, 11 (4), 3752-3759.
英文专著(含编撰书籍)(Books and Chapters)
- Wang P.* Chang, J., Zhang, L.B. Artificially Intelligent Nanomaterials for Environmental Engineering, Wiley-VCH Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-527-34494-9, 2019
- Wang P.* (编撰), Rational Design of Next-Generation Nanomaterials and Nanodevices for Advanced Water Applications (edited), International Water Association (IWA) Publishing, 2016.
备注:国际水协会出版社将本书专门设为完全开放获取(下载链接).IWA publishing has granted this book a full open access (free download link).
- Wang P.* (编撰), Smart Materials for Advanced Environmental Applications (edited), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing, 2016.
招贤纳士 (We Are Hiring):
The research group of ‘water-energy-environment low carbon science and technology’ is a vibrant and very interdisciplinary research group, consisting of many dare-to-change-the-world minds and hosted within a spacious laboratory equipped with the-state-of-the-art facilities and instruments.
We are hiring Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, postdocs, PhD students, master students, undergraduate students, research assistants with diverse backgrounds (e.g., environmental science, environmental engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, biochemistry, thermal engineering, mechanical engineering, polymer science and engineering, electronical engineering, materials science and engineering) and in broad research directions. Interested parties should send their CV along with other useful documents to wangp363@mail.bcweb168.com (Peng Wang) and/or [email protected] (Wenbin Wang)
- 中山大学现已全面实施“预聘-长聘”制教研岗位招聘。预聘助理教授直接认定为博士生导师。博士生导师到岗前两年里会有2-3名博士生指标,待遇好,起点高。资历好的申请人,鼓励申请更高职位。(点击了解详情)
- 我们团队常年招聘中山大学“逸仙博士后” (//rcb.bcweb168.com/article/547) (中山大学为“逸仙博士后”提供非常具有竞争力的薪酬待遇,不低于50万元/年(含五险二金)。
联系方式 (Contact Information)
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou East Campus
University Megacity
Guangzhou, P.R. China, 510006
邮箱 (email):wangp363@mail.bcweb168.com