ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Wen-Shen-Liu
ORCID: //orcid.org/0000-0002-3948-0633
2016.09–2019.12 中山大学 博彩网站 环境科学 博士
2012.09–2014.07 中山大学 博彩网站 环境科学 硕士
2008.09–2012.07 福建师范大学 化学与材料学院 环境科学 学士
2023.05–至今 中山大学 博彩网站 副教授
2020.01–2023.04 中山大学 博彩网站 博士后
2014.07–2016.08 中山大学 博彩网站 科研助理
※ 依托教育部土壤环境污染控制与修复学科创新引智基地、中-法国际联合实验室ECOLAND、广东省土壤污染植物修复国际联合研究中心等平台,已与国内外植物修复和超富集植物领域知名专家建立了密切的合作关系。
- Liu C, Ding TX, van der Ent A, Liu C, Morel JL, Sirguey C, Liu WS*, Tang YT, Qiu RL (2023) A novel method for in situ imaging of root exudates and labile elements reveals phosphorus deficiency-induced mobilization of rare earth elements in the rhizosphere of Phytolacca americana. Plant Soil DOI: 10.1007/s11104-023-06146-9.
- Zheng HX, Yang YL, Liu WS*, Zhong Y, Cao Y, Qiu RL, Liu C, van der Ent A, Hodson MJ, Tang YT* (2023) Rare earth elements detoxification mechanism in the hyperaccumulator Dicranopteris linearis: [silicon-pectin] matrix fixation. J. Hazard. Mater. 452: 131254.
- Zheng HX, Liu WS#, Sun D, Zhu SC, Li Y, Yang YL, Liu RR, Feng HY, Cai X, Cao Y, Xu GH, Morel JL, van der Ent A, Ma LQ, Liu YH, Rylott EL, Qiu RL, Tang YT (2023) Plasma membrane-localized transporter nreet1 is responsible for rare earth element uptake in hyperaccumulator Dicranopteris linearis. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57: 6922–6933. (封面论文)
- Xie CD, Xiao Y, He C, Liu WS*, Tang YT, Wang SZ*, van der Ent A, Morel JL, Simonnot MO, Qiu RL (2022) Selective recovery of rare earth elements and value-added chemicals from the Dicranopteris linearis bio-ore produced by phytomining using green fractionation. J. Hazard. Mater. 443: 130253.
- Liu C, Ding TQ, Liu WS*, Tang YT, Qiu RL (2022) Phosphorus mediated rhizosphere mobilization and apoplast precipitation regulate rare earth element accumulation in Phytolacca americana. Plant Soil 83: 697–709. (获评论性文章高度评价, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05856-w)
- Liu XR, Liu WS*, Tang YT, Wang SZ, Cao YJ, Chen ZW, Xie CD, Liu C, Guo MN, Qiu RL (2022) Effects of in situ leaching on the origin and migration of rare earth elements in aqueous systems of South China: Insights based on REE patterns, and Ce and Eu anomalies. J. Hazard. Mater. 435: 128959.
- Liu WS, Zheng HX, Liu C, Guo MN, Zhu SC, Cao Y, Qiu RL, Morel JL, van der Ent A, Tang YT* (2021) Variation in rare earth element (REE ), aluminium (Al) and silicon (Si) accumulation among populations of the hyperaccumulator Dicranopteris linearis in southern China. Plant Soil 461: 565–578.
- Liu WS, Laird JS, Ryan CG, Tang YT*, Qiu RL, Echevarria G, Morel JL, van der Ent (2021). Rare earth elements, aluminium and silicon distribution in the fern Dicranopteris linearis revealed by μPIXE Maia analysis. Ann. Bot. 128: 17–30.
- Liu C, Sun D, Zheng HX, Wang GB, Liu WS*, Cao Y*, Tang YT, Qiu RL (2021) The limited exclusion and efficient translocation mediated by organic acids contribute to rare earth element hyperaccumulation in Phytolacca americana. Sci. Total Environ. 805: 150335.
- Liu WS, van der Ent A, Erskine PD, Morel JL, Echevarria G, Montargès-Pelletier E, Spiers KM, Qiu RL, Tang YT* (2020) Spatially-resolved localization of lanthanum and cerium in the rare earth element hyperaccumulator fern Dicranopteris linearis from China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 2287–2294.
- Liu WS, Chen YY, Huot H, Liu C, Guo MN, Qiu RL, Morel JL, Tang YT* (2020) Phytoextraction of rare earth elements from ion-adsorption mine tailings by Phytolacca americana: Effects of organic material and biochar amendment. J. Clean. Prod. 275: 122959.
- Liu WS, Zheng HX, Guo MN, Liu C, Huot H, Morel JL, van der Ent A, Tang YT*, Qiu RL (2019) Co-deposition of silicon with rare earth elements (REEs) and aluminium in the fern Dicranopteris linearis from China. Plant Soil 437: 427–437.
- Liu WS, Guo MN, Liu C, Yuan M, Chen XT, Huot H*, Zhao CM, Tang YT*, Morel JL, Qiu RL (2019) Water, sediment and agricultural soil contamination from an ion-adsorption rare earth mining area. Chemosphere 216: 75–83. (高被引论文)
- Liu WS, Wu LL, Zheng MY, Chao YQ, Zhao CM, Zhong X, Ding KB, Huot H, Zhang MY, Tang YT*, Li C, Qiu RL (2019) Controls on rare-earth element transport in a river impacted by ion-adsorption rare-earth mining. Sci. Total Environ. 660: 697–704.
- Qin BJ, Liu WS#, He EK, Li YY, Liu C, Ruan JJ*, Qiu RL, Tang YT* (2019) Vacuum pyrolysis method for reclamation of rare earth elements from hyperaccumulator Dicranopteris dichotoma grown in contaminated soil. J. Clean. Prod. 229: 480–488.
- 刘文深, 刘畅, 王志威, 滕文凯, 汤叶涛*, 仇荣亮 (2015) 离子型稀土矿尾砂地植被恢复障碍因子研究. 土壤学报, 52: 879–887. (封面论文)
- Liu XR, Liu WS, Zhang MY, Jin C, Ding KB*, Baker AJM, Qiu RL, Tang YT, Wang SZ* (2024) Organic-mineral colloids regulate the migration and fractionation of rare earth elements in groundwater systems impacted by ion-adsorption deposits mining in South China. Water Res. 256(13):121582
- Zhu SC, Liu WS, Zhen ZW, Liu XR, Zheng HX, Chen BY, Zhi XY, Chao YQ, Qiu RL, Chu CJ, Liu C, Morel JL, van der Ent A, Tang YT* (2024) Abiotic legacies mediate plant-soil feedback during early vegetation succession on Rare Earth Element mine tailings. J. Appl. Ecol. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14572.
- Wan Q, Liu BB, Zhang MY*, Zhao M, Dai Y, Liu WS, Ding KB, Lin QQ, Ni ZB, Li JJ, Wang SZ, Jin C, Tang YT, Qiu RL* (2023) Co-transport of biochar nanoparticles (BC NPs) and rare earth elements (REEs) in water-saturated porous media: New insights into REE fractionation. J. Hazard. Mater. 453: 131390.
- Chen ZW, Fei YH, Liu WS, Ding KB, Lu JN, Cai X, Cui TT, Tang YT, Wang SZ, Chao YQ*, Qiu RL (2022) Untangling microbial diversity and assembly patterns in rare earth element mine drainage in South China. Water Res. 225: 119172.
- Guo MN, Zhong X, Liu WS, Wang GB, Chao YQ, Huot H, Qiu RL, Morel JL, Watteau F, Séré G*, Tang YT* (2022) Biogeochemical dynamics of nutrients and rare earth elements (REEs) during natural succession from biocrusts to pioneer plants in REE mine tailings in southern China. Sci. Total Environ. 828: 154361.
- Zhu SC, Zheng HX, Liu WS, Liu C, Guo MN, Huot H, Morel JL, Qiu RL, Chao YQ*, Tang YT* (2022) Plant-soil feedbacks for the restoration of degraded mine lands: a review. Front. Microbiol. 12: 751794.
- Liu C, Liu WS, Huot H, Guo MN, Zhu SC, Zheng HX, Morel JL, Yang YT*, Qiu RL (2022). Biogeochemical cycles of nutrients, rare earth elements (REEs) and Al in soil-plant system in ion-adsorption REE mine tailings remediated with amendment and ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.). Sci. Total Environ. 809: 152075.
- Liu C, Liu WS, Huot H*, Yang YM, Guo MN, Morel JL, Yang YT, Qiu RL (2021). Responses of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) to increasing rare earth element (REE) concentrations in a hydroponic system. J Rare Earth. 40: 840–846.
- Chen ZW, Liu WS, Zhong X, Zheng MY, Fei YH, He H, Ding KB, Chao YQ*, Tang YT, Wang SZ, Qiu, RL* (2021) Genome- and community-level interaction insights into the ecological role of archaea in rare earth element mine drainage in South China. Water Res. 11: 117331.
- Chen ZW, Zhong X, Zheng MY, Liu WS, Fei YH, Ding KB, Li YY, Liu Y, Chao YQ*, Tang YT, Wang SZ, Qiu RL* (2021) Indicator species drive the key ecological functions of microbiota in a river impacted by acid mine drainage generated by rare earth elements mining in South China. Environ. Microbiol. 24: 919–937.
- Liu C, Liu WS, van der Ent A, Morel JL, Zheng HX, Wang GB, Tang YT*, Qiu RL (2021) Simultaneous hyperaccumulation of rare earth elements, manganese and aluminum in Phytolacca americana in response to soil properties. Chemosphere 282: 131096.
- Liu Y, Zhong X, Huot H, Liu WS, Liu C, Guo MN, Li YY, Fei YH, Chao YQ*, Wang SZ, Tang YT, Qiu RL (2020) Reclamation with organic amendments and plants remodels the diversity and structure of bacterial community in ion-adsorption rare earth element mine tailings. J. Soils Sediments 20: 3669–3680.
- Zhao CM, Shi X, Xie SQ, Liu WS, He EK, Tang YT, Qiu RL (2019) Ecological Risk Assessment of Neodymium and Yttrium on Rare Earth Element Mine Sites in Ganzhou, China. Bull. Environ Contam. Toxicol. 103: 565–570.
- Yuan M, Liu C, Liu WS, Guo MN, Morel JL, Huot H, Yu HJ, Tang YT*, Qiu RL (2018) Accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements (REEs) in the naturally grown Phytolacca americana L. in southern China. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 20 (5): 415–423.
- Yuan M, Guo MN, Liu WS, Liu C, van der Ent A, Morel JL, Huot H, Zhao WY, Wei XG*, Qiu RL, Tang YT* (2017) The accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements in hydroponically grown Phytolacca americana L. Plant Soil 1–16.
- Chao YQ, Liu WS, Chen YM, Chen WH, Zhao LH, Ding QB, Wang SZ, Tang YT*, Zhang T, Qiu RL* (2016) Structure, variation, and co-occurrence of soil microbial communities in abandoned sites of a rare earth elements mine. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 11481–11490.
- 彭钰欣, 刘叶, 陈子武, 刘文深, 王诗忠, 汤叶涛, 仇荣亮, 晁元卿 (2022) 废弃稀土尾砂地先锋植物根区核心菌群研究. 环境科学与技术. 45: 173–183.
- 陈莺燕,刘文深,袁鸣,郭美娜,刘畅,Hermine Huot,汤叶涛*,仇荣亮 (2019) 超富集植物对稀土元素吸收转运解毒与分异的研究进展. 土壤学报 56(3): 785–795.
- 陈莺燕,刘文深,丁铿博,汤叶涛*,仇荣亮 (2018) 有机改良剂及生物炭对离子型稀土矿尾砂地生态修复的改良探究. 环境科学学报 38(12): 4769–4778.
- Liu C, Yuan M, Liu WS, Guo MN, Huot H, Tang YT, Laubie B, Simonnot MO, Morel JL, Qiu RL* (2018) Element case studies: Rare earth elements. In: van der Ent A, Echevarria G, Baker AJM, Morel JL, eds. Agromining: farming for metals. Cham: Springer: 297–308. (专著)
- Liu C, Yuan M, Liu WS, Guo MN, Zheng HX, Huot H, Jally B, Tang YT*, Laubie B, Simonnot MO, Morel JL, Qiu RL* (2021) Element case studies: Rare earth elements. In: van der Ent A, Echevarria G, Baker AJM, Simonnot MO, Morel JL, eds. Agromining: farming for metals. Cham: Springer: 471–483.
- 仇荣亮, 谢灿垤, 刘文深, 汤叶涛. 从超富集植物中回收稀土和生物质高附加值产物的方法(专利号:ZL202210742145.3)
- 汤叶涛, 郑鸿祥, 陈莺燕, 刘文深, 郭美娜, 阮菊俊, 晁元卿, 王诗忠, 仇荣亮. 一种利用美洲商陆进行稀土元素植物采矿的方法(专利号:ZL202010436771.0).
- 汤叶涛, 陈杰谦, 秦保家, 刘文深, 何尔凯, 仇荣亮, 阮菊俊. 一种从稀土超富集植物中回收稀土和能源物质的方法(专利号:ZL201911284574.5).
- 仇荣亮, 秦保家, 刘文深, 汤叶涛, 何尔凯, 阮菊俊. 一种从镍超富集植物中回收镍和能源物质的方法(专利号:ZL201911283577.7).
- 汤叶涛, 冯汉栩, 曹健, 黄哲, 阮菊俊, 刘文深, 单永能, 杨萍萍, 刘田杰, 徐玉仪, 仇荣亮. 一种从芒萁中回收、分离镧、钕、钇的方法(专利号:ZL202110714703.0)
- 仇荣亮, 阮菊俊, 章卫华, 刘文深, 黄雄飞, 韦行, 施圣恩, 郑杰, 陈喆. 一种治理土壤重金属污染净化系统(专利号:ZL201510302345.7).
- 汤叶涛, 黄翠玲, 刘文深, 谢灿垤, 仇荣亮. 一种稀土超富集植物制备的纳米颗粒及其制备方法与应用(专利申请号:CN2023110241944)
- 仇荣亮,程暄谱,刘文深,许德祥,汤叶涛,刘晓芮,晁元卿,王诗忠. 一种从离子型稀土矿区污染水体中回收胶体态稀土的方法(专利申请号:CN202311193135.X)
- 刘冲, 汤叶涛, 刘文深, 刘畅, 王国保, 仇荣亮. 一种原位定量表征植物根系分泌物空间分布的成像方法(专利申请号:CN202210833857.6)
- 仇荣亮, 秦保家, 刘文深, 汤叶涛, 何尔凯, 阮菊俊. 一种从超富集植物中回收能源物质的装置及其应用(专利申请号:CN201911283560.1).
- 汤叶涛,袁鸣,仇荣亮,刘文深,刘畅,郭美娜,陈莺燕,游敏,晁元卿,王诗忠. 一种离子型稀土尾砂地改良剂及其修复方法(专利申请号:CN201810338539.6)
- 汤叶涛, 刘畅, 刘文深, 游敏, 袁鸣, 郭美娜, 杨奕鸣, 晁元卿, 王诗忠, 仇荣亮. 一种利用耐性经济植物苎麻修复离子型稀土尾砂区的方法(专利申请号:CN201710198811.0)
- 汤叶涛, 刘文深, 仇荣亮, 刘畅, 王至威, 滕文凯, 王诗忠. 一种离子型稀土矿尾砂地改良及植被复垦的方法(专利申请号:CN201410197494)