·广州市番禺区大学城外环东路132号博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 环境科学系,510006
·E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
·1998.09-2002.07 华南农业大学园艺学院花卉与庭院工程专业读本科
·2002.09-2005.07 华南农业大学林学院植物学专业取得理学硕士学位
·2005.09-2008.07 博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 环境学专业取得理学博士学位
·2008.08-2011.11 在中山大学生物学博士后流动站工作
·2012.02-至今 博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 环境科学系工作
·2015.03-2016.03 Australian Rivers Institute (ARI), Griffith Univ.访问学者
1. 引种红树植物造林的环境效应及其安全性预警分析研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (40901278),2010-2013,22万元,主持
2. 高通量氮输入对红树林生态系统主要组分与典型过程的影响研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (41771095),2018-2021,70万元,主持
3. 海水抽水蓄能电站环境影响评估与生态修复关键技术研究,国家重点研发项目 (2017YFB0903703),2017-2020,315万元,参加
4. 河口红树林湿地甲烷厌氧氧化及其与碳氮硫循环的耦合机制,国家自然科学基金重大计划项目 (91951207),2020-2023,306万元,参加
5. 广东省典型红树林与林区渔业生态模式研究及示范 (2021KJCX012, 2022KJCX019),广东省林业科技创新项目,参与,2021-2023,200万元(子课题50万元)
6. 碳中和背景下红树林立体生态修复模式构建及关键技术研发 (GDNRC[2022]50),广东省海洋经济发展(海洋六大产业)专项资金项目,参与,2022-2023,300万元(子课题75万元)
Peng YS, Zhao LL, Wu MX, Yu XL, Sun HY, Chen ZH, He ZY*. 2023. Additional N input may alter the species-specific blue carbon cycling differently in mangroves. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. (DOI: 10.34133/ehs.004)
彭逸生, 庄雪茵, 赵丽丽, 王梓豪, 高均超, 王炳新, 何姿莹*. 2023. 树种选择和滩地高程对红树林修复早期系统碳储量的影响. 中山大学学报(自然科学版). 62(2), 37-46.
彭逸生, 杨玉婷, 梁晋, 胡博文, 刘建新, 何姿莹*. 2023. 大型底栖动物扰动对红树林微生物群落的影响. 中山大学学报(自然科学版). 62(2), 17-27.
Lee IO, Noh JS*, Kim BG, Kwon IH, Kim HS, Kwon BO, Peng YS, Hu Z, Khim JS*. 2023. Food web dynamics in the mangrove ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary surrounded by megacities. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 189, 114747.
Fu B, Fang C, Xia J, Pan ST, Zhou L, Peng YS, Yan YM, Yang Y, He YL, Chen SJ*, Yang HR*, Wang J. 2023. Urbanization alters soil bacterial communities in southern China coastal cities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 250, 114492.
van Hespen R, Hu Z*, Peng YS, Zhu ZC*, Ysebaert T, Bouma TJ. 2022. Identifying trait-based tolerance to sediment dynamics during seedling establishment across eight mangrove species. Limnology and Oceanography. 67, 2281-2295.
Zhang JL, Lin QL, Peng YS, Pan LH, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Chen LZ*. 2022. Distributions of the non‑native mangrove Sonneratia apetala in China: based on Google Earth imagery and field survey. Wetlands. 42, 35.
He ZY, Yen LW, Huang HJ, Wang ZH, Zhao LL, Chen ZH, Lee SY, Peng YS*. 2022. Linkage between mangrove seedling colonization, sediment traits and nitrogen input. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9, 793818.
Hu Z, Borsje BW, van Belzen J, Willemsen PWJM, Wang H*, Peng YS*,Yuan L, De Dominicis M, Wolf J, Temmerman S, Bouma TJ. 2021. Mechanistic modelling of marsh seedling establishment provides a positive outlook for coastal wetland restoration under global climate change. Geophysical Research Letters. 48, e2021GL095596.
He ZY, Sun HY, Yu XL, Yin ZS, Wu MX, Zhao LL, Hu Z*, Peng YS*, Lee SY. 2021. Monoculture or Mixed Culture? Relevance of fine root dynamics to carbon sequestration oriented mangrove afforestation and restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8, 763922.
Wang H, Peng YS, Wang C*, Wen QK, Xu JY, Hu Z*, Jia X, Zhao XM, Lian WH, Temmerman S, Wolf J, Bouma T. 2021. Mangrove loss and gain in a densely populated urban estuary: lessons from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8, 693450.
van Hespen R, Hu Z*, Peng YS, Borsje BW, Kleinhans M, Ysebaert T, Bouma TJ. 2021. Analysis of coastal storm damage resistance in successional mangrove species. Limnology and Oceanography. 66, 3221-3236.
He ZY, Sun HY, Peng YS*, Hu Z*, Cao YJ, Lee SY. 2020. Colonization by native species enhances the carbon storage capacity of exotic mangrove monocultures. Carbon Balance and Management. 15, 28.
Sun HY, He ZY, Zhang M, Yen LW, Cao YJ, Hu Z, Peng YS*, Lee SY. 2020. Spatial variation of soil properties impacted by aquaculture effluent in a small-scale mangrove. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 160, 111511.
Hu Z, Zhou J, Wang C, Wang H, He Z, Peng Y*, Zheng P*, Cozzoli F, Bouma TJ. 2020. A novel instrument for bed dynamics observation supports machine learning applications in mangrove biogeomorphic processes. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2020WR027257.
Yu XL, Yang XQ, Wu YJ, Peng YS, Yang T, Xiao FS, Zhong QP, Xu K, Shu LF, He Q, Tian Y, Yan QY, Wang C*, Wu B*, He ZL*. 2020. Sonneratia apetala introduction alters methane cycling microbial communities and increases methane emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 144, 107775.
Wu MX, He ZY, Fung ST, Cao YJ, Guan DS*, Peng YS*, Lee SY. 2020. Species choice in mangrove reforestation may influence the quantity and quality of long-term carbon sequestration and storage. Science of the Total Environment. 714, 136742.
黄嘉欣, 郑明轩, 黄颖彦, 赖依萍, 郭燕萍, 彭逸生*. 2020. 粤西沿海地区半红树植物群落组成和分布及其影响因子研究. 湿地科学. 18(1), 91-100.
肖泓, 尹煮石, 张敏, 陈桂珠, 彭逸生*. 2020. 广东电白人工红树林大型底栖动物群落的功能特征及其影响因子. 生态学杂志. 39(6), 1813-1822.
He ZY, Peng YS*, Guan DS*, Hu Z, Chen YJ, Lee SY. 2018. Appearance can be deceptive Shrubby native mangrove species contributes more to soil carbon sequestration than fast-growing exotic species. Plant and Soil. 432, 425-436.
Peng YS*, Zhang M, Lee SY. 2017. Food availability and predation risk drive the distributional patterns of two pulmonate gastropods in a mangrove-saltmarsh transitional habitat. Marine Environmental Research, 130, 21-29.
Peng YS*, Diao JM, Zheng MX, Guan DS, Zhang RD, Chen GZ, Lee SY. 2016. Early growth adaptability of four mangrove species under the canopy of an introduced mangrove plantation: implications for restoration. Forest Ecology and Management. 373, 179-188.
Peng YS*, Zheng MX, Zheng ZX, Wu GC, Chen YC, Xu HL, Tian GH, Peng SH, Chen GZ, Lee SY. 2016. Virtual increase or latent loss? A reassessment of mangrove populations and their conservation in Guangdong, southern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 109, 691-699.
李皓宇, 彭逸生*, 刘嘉健, 王树功, 陈桂珠. 2016. 粤东沿海红树林物种组成与群落特征. 生态学报. 36, 252-260.
彭逸生*, 李皓宇, 曾瑛, 彭盛华, 肖寒. 2015. 广东韩江三角洲地区红树林群落现状及立地条件. 林业科学. 51, 103-112.
Peng YS, Chen GZ, Li SY, Liu Y, Pernetta J*. 2013. Use of degraded coastal wetland in an integrated mangrove aquaculture system: A case study from the South China Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management. 85, 209-213.
彭逸生, 陈桂珠, 林金灶(编). 2011. 南中国海湿地研究——以汕头滨海湿地生态系统为例. 广州: 中山大学出版社. pp 218.