




·广州市番禺区大学城外环东路132号,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,510006


·E-mail: [email protected]




·2004-2009,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,硕博连读,博士学位

·2008.11-2009.12,University of Wyoming, USA, 化学与石油工程系,访问学者

·2010.01-2012.01,University of Colorado, USA, 市政工程系,博士后

·2012.05-2015.12,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,讲师

·2016.01-今,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,副教授













2020年 入选国际水协中国青年委员

2020年 入选《工业水处理》首届青年编委

2016年 入选广州市“珠江科技新星”

2010年 入选中山大学“十一五”理工科最具学术影响力的研究论文

2010年 入选“2009年度中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”




  1. 国家自然科学基金 (42077286),同型产乙酸菌/矿物协同驱动CO2固定的胞外电子传递及调控机制,2021/01-2024/12,主持人。
  2. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFB0903703,海水抽水蓄能电站环境影响评估与生态修复关键技术研究,2017/07-2021/06,第一参加人。
  3. 广州市科技计划项目科技创新人才专项“珠江科技新星”(201710010031),微生物电解促进矿山酸性废水定向转化及生物膜电子传递机制,2017-2020年,主持人。
  4. 国家自然科学基金 (51308557),基于微生物电合成原理的二氧化碳回收和转化机理研究,2014-2016年,主持人。
  5. 国家自然科学基金, NSFC-广东联合基金(U1501232),嗜酸硫酸盐还原菌(aSRB)生态与矿山酸性废水的净化机理,2016-2019年,骨干成员。
  6. 国家自然科学基金 (41471181),土壤温室气体的时空变异性及尺度效应,2015-2018年,骨干成员。
  7. 教育部博士点基金(20130171120022),利用微生物电合成系统回收和转化二氧化碳的机理解析,2014-2016年,主持人。
  8. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(20130171120022),利用微生物电合成系统转化二氧化碳的机理解析,2015-2016年,主持人。
  9. 国家科技计划项目(2012YQ0301110803),多指标快速检测仪器在西江长期检测中的可靠性评价及改进性能方案,2013-2017年,骨干成员。
  10. 广东省自然科学基金(2015A030313169),生物电化学强化酸性矿山废水处理的机理研究,2015-2018年,主持人。
  11. 广东省科技厅科技计划项目(2014A010106011),微生物电解池制氢新工艺中的菌群调控技术研发,2015-2016年,骨干成员。
  12. 广州市科技计划项目(201510010125),高含盐废水的生物电化学处理及资源化技术的研究,2015-2016年,骨干成员。
  13. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师培育项目(20143800031610561),微生物阴极电化学还原二氧化碳产乙酸的作用机理研究,2014-2016年,主持人。
  14. 中央高校基本科研业务费重点培育项目(16lgjc65),海水淡化与资源化的生物电渗析关键理论与技术,2016-2018年,主要参加人。
  15. 广东省水与大气污染防治重点实验室开放基金(GD2012A01) ,运用生物电化学系统处理酸性矿山废水的机理研究,2012-2014年,主持人。
  16. 广东省环境污染控制与修复技术重点实验室开放基金(2013K0002) ,生物电化学系统处理酸性矿山废水的机理解析,2012-2014年,主持人。
  17. 美国海军资助项目,High Yield Hydrogen Production in Microbial Electrolysis Cells Using Carbon Nanofiber Electrodes, The Office of Naval Research (ONR), 2010-2012年,主要完成人。
  18. 美国MWH公司资助项目,Feasibility study of electrically induced reduction in remediating TCE in groundwater, MWH Americas Inc. 2009年,主要完成人。
  19. 美国交通部资助项目,Novel recoverable enzyme nanoparticles for cellulose hydrolysis. Studying magnetic embedded enzyme complex in hydrolysis of biomass to produce cellulose for ethanol production. North Central Sun Grant Regional Competitive Grant Program, Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 2008-2009年, 主要完成人。




  1. Yanping Hou, Haiping Luo*, Guangli Liu*, Renduo Zhang, Jiayi Li, and Shiyu Fu. Improved hydrogen production in the microbial electrolysis cell by inhibiting methanogenesis using ultraviolet irradiation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(17): 10482-10488.
  2. Haiping Luo, Peter E. Jenkins,Zhiyong Ren*. Concurrent desalination and hydrogen generation using microbial electrolysis and desalination cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45: 340-344.
  3. Haiping Luo, Jiamin Bai, Jiajia He, Guangli Liu, Yaobin Lu, Renduo Zhang, Cuiping Zeng*. Sulfate reduction and elemental sulfur recovery using photoelectric microbial electrolysis cell. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 269: 138685.
  4. Haiping Luo, Jiaxin Qi, Meizhou Zhou, Guangli Liu, Yaobin Lu, Renduo Zhang, Cuiping Zeng*. Enhanced electron transfer on microbial electrosynthesis biocathode by polypyrrole-coated acetogens. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 309: 123322.
  5. Jiaping Hu, Cuiping Zeng, Guangli Liu, Yaobin Lu, Renduo Zhang, Haiping Luo*. Enhanced sulfate reduction accompanied with electrically-conductive pili production in graphene oxide modified biocathodes. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 282: 425-432.
  6. Haiping Luo, Jing Hu, Lei Qu, Guangli Liu, Renduo Zhang, Yaobin Lu, Jiaxin Qi, Jiaping Hu, Cuiping Zeng*. Efficient reduction of nitrobenzene by sulfate-reducer enriched biocathode in microbial electrolysis cell. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 674: 336-343.
  7. Jiaping Hu, Cuiping Zeng, Guangli Liu, Haiping Luo*, Lei Qu, Renduo Zhang. Magnetite nanoparticles accelerate the autotrophic sulfate reduction in biocathode microbial electrolysis cells. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 133, 96–105.
  8. Haiping Luo, Guofang Xu, Yaobin Lu, Guangli Liu*, Renduo Zhang, Xiao Li, Xiyuan Zheng, Meihan Yu. Electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell using yogurt wastewater under alkaline conditions. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 32826-32832.
  9.  Yinbo Xiang, Guangli Liu, Renduo Zhang, Yaobin Lu, Haiping Luo*. High-efficient acetate production from carbon dioxide using a bioanode microbial electrosynthesis system with bipolar membrane. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 233: 227-235.
  10. Haiping Luo, Hui Li, Yaobin Lu, Guangli Liu*, Renduo Zhang. Treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate using microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical production cell. Desalination, 2017,408 (15):52-59.
  11. Haiping Luo, Wenkai Teng, Guangli Liu*, Renduo Zhang, Yaobin Lu. Sulfate reduction and microbial community of autotrophic biocathode in response to acidity. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 54: 120-127.
  12. Haiping Luo, Xing Cheng, Guangli Liu*, Yajing Zhou, Yaobin Lu, Renduo Zhang, Xiao Li, Weikai Teng. Citric acid production using a biological electrodialysis with bipolar membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 523:122-128.
  13. Haiping Luo, Shuxian Yu, Guangli Liu*, Renduo Zhang, Weikai Teng. Effect of in-situ immobilized anode on performance of the microbial fuelcell with high concentration of sodium acetate, Fuel, 2016,182: 732–739.
  14. Wenkai Teng, Guangli Liu, Haiping Luo*, Renduo Zhang,Yinbo Xiang. Simultaneous sulfate and zinc removal from acid wastewater using an acidophilic and autotrophic biocathode. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 304: 159-165.
  15. Guangli Liu, Ying Zhou, Haiping Luo*, Xing Cheng, Renduo Zhang, WenkaiTeng. A comparative evaluation of different types of microbial electrolysis desalination cells for malic acid production. Bioresource Technology, 2015,198:87-93.
  16. Heming Wang, Haiping Luo, Paul Fallgren, Song Jin, Zhiyong Jason Ren*.Bioelectrochemical Platform for Sustainable Environmental Remediation and Energy Generation. Biotechnology Advances, 2015, 33, 317-334.
  17. Yanping Hou, Renduo Zhang, Haiping Luo*, Guangli Liu*, Younggy Kim, Shuxian Yu, Jia Zeng. Microbial electrolysis cell with spiral wound electrode for wastewater treatment and methane production. Process Biochemistry.2015,50(7):1103-1109.
  18. Haiping Luo, Bangyu Qin, Guangli Liu, Renduo Zhang, Yabo Tang. Selective recovery of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from wastewater usingbioelectrochemical system. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.2015, 9(3): 522-527.
  19. Guangli Liu, Haiping Luo*, Binwei Wang, Haohao Wang, Renduo Zhang, YanpingHou. Malic acid production using a biological electrodialysis with bipolar membrane. Journal of Membrane Science. 2014, 471: 179-184.
  20. Guangli Liu, Haiping Luo*, Yabo Tang, Shanshan Chen, Renduo Zhang, YanpingHou. Tetramethylammonium hydroxide production using the microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical-production cell. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 258: 157-162.
  21. Guangli Liu*, ShuxianYu, Haiping Luo*,Renduo Zhang, Shiyu Fu, Xiaonan Luo. Effects of salinity anions on the anode performance in bioelectrochemical systems. Desalination, 2014, 351:77-81.
  22. Haiping Luo, Shiyu Fu, Guangli Liu, Renduo Zhang, Yaoping Bai, Xiaonan Luo. Autotrophic biocathode for high efficient sulfate reduction in microbialelectrolysis cells, Bioresource Technology, 2014, 167:462-468.
  23. Haiping Luo, Guangli Liu, Renduo Zhang, Yaoping Bai, Shiyu Fu, Yanping Hou. Heavy metal recovery combined with H2 production from artificial acid mine drainage using the microbial electrolysis cell, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 270: 153-159.
  24. Haiping Luo, Pei Xu, Peter E. Jenkins,Zhiyong Ren. Ionic Composition and Transport Mechanisms in Microbial Desalination Cells. Journal of Membrane Science, 2012, 409-410: 16-23.
  25. Haiping Luo, Pei Xu, Zhiyong Ren. Long-term performance and characterization of microbial desalination cells in treating domestic wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 120: 187-193.
  26. Haiping Luo, Pei Xu, Timberley Roane, Peter E. Jenkins,Zhiyong Ren. Microbial desalination cells for improved performance in wastewater treatment, electricity production, and desalination. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 105: 60-66.
  27. Haiping Luo, Song Jin, Fallgren P., Colberg P., Johnson P. Prevention of iron passivation and enhancement of nitrate reduction by electron Supplementation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 160:185-189.
  28. Haiping Luo, SongJin, Fallgren P., Park H., Johnson P. A novel laccase-catalyzed cathode for microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 165:524-5
  29. Haiping Luo, Liu G., Zhang R., Jin S. Phenol degradation in microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 147:259-264.
  30. 祁家欣,曾翠平,骆海萍*,刘广立,张仁铎,卢耀斌.羧基改性阴极对微生物电合成系统产乙酸性能的影响机制. 环境科学,2019,40(5):2302-2309。
  31. 胡佳萍,曾翠平,骆海萍*,刘广立,张仁铎,卢耀斌. 不同外电压下自养型生物阴极还原硫酸盐的性能及生物膜群落响应. 环境科学,2019,40(1):330-338.
  32. 滕文凯,刘广立,骆海萍*,张仁铎,符诗雨.基质COD浓度对单室微生物电解池产甲烷的影响,环境科学,2015,36(3):1021-1026.
  33. 符诗雨,刘广立,骆海萍*,张仁铎. 微生物电解系统生物阴极的硫酸盐还原特性研究,环境科学,2014, 35(2): 626-632.