吕 慧 博士 教授 博导
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广东省水污染控制工程技术研究中心 副主任
广东省生态环境青年科技工作者委员会 主任
Water Research区域主编(Editor)
Bioresource Technology客座编辑
Chinese Chemical Letters青年编委
环境工程学报 特邀学术编辑
Water Security编委
国际水协中国青年委员会 常委
中国环境科学学会青年科学家分会 委员
中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会 委员
中国水协青年委员会 委员
E-mail:[email protected]
- 2012-至今,中山大学“百人计划”,历任副教授、教授、环工系副主任、教研室主任、院长助理
- 2011-2012,香港科技大学,土木及环境工程系,博士后
- 2007-2011,香港科技大学,环境工程,博士
- 2005-2007,哈尔滨工业大学,市政工程,硕士
- 2001-2005,哈尔滨工业大学,给排水工程,学士
- 污水处理与资源化;工业废水处理;新污染检测分析及治理
- 2021年广东省教学成果奖(特等奖1项、二等奖1项)
- 2021年中山大学教学成果奖(特等奖1项、一等奖1项)
- 2020年国际水协“首创水星奖”产业创新类金奖
- 2020年中国环保产业协会环境技术进步二等奖
- 2020年广东省环境技术进步一等奖
- 2019年国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金
- 2019年中国环境科学学会青年科学家奖
- 2019年广东省生态环境青年科技奖
- 2019年中山大学教学成果一等奖
- 2017年广东省环境保护科学技术二等奖
- 2017年广东省市政行业协会科学技术一等奖
- 2017年中山大学教学成果二等奖
- 2016年广东省“特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才
- 2016年广州市珠江科技新星
- 2014年广东省“千百十工程“中山大学校级培养对象
- 2012年国际水协(IWA)全球及东亚区项目创新奖
- 智能时代环境工程“新工科智慧教学”的创新与实践,教育部第二批新工科研究与实践项目
- 《水污染控制工程》线下一流本科课程,广东省一流本科课程
- 在线开放课程《水污染控制工程》,广东省教学质量与教学改革项目
- 《污泥源减量污水处理(MOSA)工艺虚拟仿真实训》,国家本科一流本科课程
- 国家虚拟仿真实验教学项目
- 新工科人才创新创业能力培养模式探索-以环境工程为例,教育部首批新工科研究与实践项目
- 内外源媒介强化复合污染物生物协同转化机制与调控原理,国家自然科学基金重点项目
- 基于硫协同电子传递理论的污水处理新方法及新工艺,国家自然科学基金重点项目
- 硫协同污水处理工艺去除典型新兴有机污染物机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 基于SANI工艺的自养反硝化菌污泥颗粒化过程及其作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 硫循环协同反硝化除磷菌生物除磷机理及工艺研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目
- 高氨氮废水处理关键技术研发,深圳市科创委,科技计划项目
- 基于FNA抑制的垃圾渗滤液短程脱氮工艺研究,广州市珠江科技新星
- 基于数学模型的厌氧硫酸盐还原菌污泥颗粒化研究,教育部新教师基金
- 填埋场渗滤液亚硝化原位同步脱氮除臭研究,深圳市下坪固体废弃物填埋场
H. Lu, D. Wu, T.W. Hao, H.K. Chui, G.A. Ekama, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht and G.H. Chen (2020). Chapter 7: Innovative Sulphur-based wastewater treatment. In Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design (2nd Edition). (eds. Guanghao Chen, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, George A. Ekama, and Damir Brdjanovic). ISBN: 9781789060355. IWA Publishing, London, UK. Pp 327-380.
- Fang, Heting, Lu, Hui*, et al., Ciprofloxacin-degrading Paraclostridium sp. isolated from sulfate-reducing bacteria enriched sludge: Optimization and mechanism. Water Research, 2021, 191:116808.
- Zeng, Chujun, Lu, Hui*, et al., Elemental sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification for advanced nitrogen removal from mature landfill leachate after PN/A pretreatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 410:128256.
- Jia, Yanyan, Lu, Hui*, et al., Influence of ibuprofen and its biotransformation products on different biological sludge systems and ecosystem. Environmental International, 2020, 146:106265.
- Wang, Shuo, Lu, Hui*, et al., Correlation of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure in denitrification biofilm exposed to adverse conditions. Microbial Biotechnology, 2020, 13, 1889-1903.
- Oberoi, Akashdeep Singh, Lu, Hui*, et al., Electron distribution in sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification under different electron donor and acceptor feeding schemes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 404:16486.
- Zhang, Huiqun, Lu, Hui*, et al., Comparative study on ciprofloxacin removal in sulfur-mediated biological system. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31, 1432-1437.
- Jia, Yanyan, Lu, Hui*, et al., Biotransformation of ibuprofen in biological sludge systems: Investigation of performance and mechanisms. Water Research, 2020, 170:115303
- Oberoi, Akashdeep Singh, Lu, Hui*, et al., Insights into fate and removal of antibiotics in engineered biological treatment systems: A critical review. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53(13), 7234-7264.
- Zhang, Huiqun, Lu, Hui*, et al., Stress-responses of activated sludge and anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria sludge under long-term ciprofloxacin exposure. Water Research, 2019, 164:114964.
- Jia, Yanyan, Lu, Hui*, et al., Insights into pharmaceuticals removal in an anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria sludge system. Water Research, 2019, 161, 191-201.
- Zhang, Yan, Lu, Hui*, et al., Elucidating functional microorganisms and metabolic mechanisms in a novel engineered ecosystem integrating C, N, P and S biotransformation by metagenomics. Water Research, 2019, 148, 219-230.
- Zhang, Huiqun, Lu, Hui*, et al., Fundamental insights into ciprofloxacin adsorption by sulfate-reducing bacteria sludge: Mechanisms and thermodynamics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 378:122103.
- Qiu, Lin-Qing, Lu, Hui*, et al., Removal of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in sulfate-reducing flocculent and granular sludge systems. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 288:121592.
- Zhang, Huiqun, Lu, Hui*, et al., Understanding the role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on ciprofloxacin (CIP) adsorption in anaerobic sludge, anaerobic sludge and sulfate-reducing bacteria sludge systems. Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52(11), 6476-6486.
- Jia, Yanyan, Lu, Hui*, et al.,Ciprofloxacin degradation in anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) sludge system: Mechanism and pathways.Water Research, 2018, 136, 64-74.
- Lu, Hui, et al., Elucidating the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of dissolved sulfide on sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) driven autotrophic denitrification. Water Research, 2018, 133, 165-172.
- Wu, Di, Lu, Hui*, et al., Elucidating the microbial communities and anaerobic mechanisms of a new biomass capable of capturing carbon and sulfur pollutants for sulfate-laden wastewater treatment. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 136, 18-27.
- Zhang, Yan, Lu, Hui*, et al., Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of core functional bacteria and their synergetic and competitive interactions in denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated enhanced biological phosphorous removal. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 10927.
- Wang, Bo, Lu, Hui*, et al., Optimizing mixing and intensity to prevent sludge flotation in sulfidogenic anaerobic sludge bed reactors. Water Research, 2017, 122, 481-491.
- Jia, Yanyan, Lu, Hui*, et al., Sulfamethoxazole degradation in anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria sludge system. Water Research, 2017, 119, 12-20.
- Yang, Weiming, Lu, Hui*, et al., Granulation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria for autotrophic denitrification. Water Research, 2016, 104, 507-519.
- Yang, Weiming, Lu, Hui*, et al., Sulfide-driven autotrophic denitrification significantly reduces N2O emissions. Water Research, 2016, 90, 176-184.
- Qian, Jin, Lu, Hui*, et al., Investigation on thiosulfate- involved organics and nitrogen removal by a sulfur cycle-based biological wastewater treatment process. Water Research, 2015, 69, 295-306.
- Qian, Jin, Lu, Hui*, et al., System evaluation and microbial analysis of a sulfur cycle-based wastewater treatment process for co-treatment of simple wet flue gas desulfurization wastes with freshwater sewage. Water Research, 2015, 80, 189-199.
- Lu, Hui, et al., SANI process realizes sustainable saline sewage treatment: Steady state model-based evaluation of the pilot-scale trial of the process. Water Research, 2012, 46(2), 475-490.
- Lu, Hui*, et al., The demonstration of a novel sulfur cycle-based wastewater treatment process: Sulfate reduction, autotrophic denitrification and nitrification integrated (SANI®) biological nitrogen removal process. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2012, 109(11), 2778-2789.
- Qian, Jin, Lu, Hui*, et al., Beneficial co-treatment of simple wet flue gas desulphurization wastes with freshwater sewage through development of mixed denitrification–SANI process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262, 109-118.
- Yu, Mei, Lu, Hui*, et al., Effects of carbon-to-sulfur (C/S) ratio and nitrate (N) dosage on Denitrifying Sulfur cycle-associated Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (DS-EBPR). Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23221.
- Hao, Tianwei, Lu, Hui*, et al., Granulation of anaerobic sludge in the sulfate-reducing up-flow sludge bed (SRUSB) of SANI® process. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 68(3), 560-566.
- Lu, Hui, et al., Pilot scale evaluation of SANIâ process for sludge minimization and greenhouse gas reduction in saline sewage treatment. Water Science and Technology, 2011, 63(10), 2149-2154.
- Lu, Hui, et al., Steady-state model-based evaluation of sulfate reduction autotrophic denitrification and nitrification integrated (SANI) process. Water Research, 2009, 43(14), 3613-3621.
- Lu, Hui, et al., Nitrification-Denitrification Coupled Two-stage Autotrophic Denitrification Advanced Nitrogen Removal Method, (US 11,203,541 B2, Dec 21, 2021),授权美国发明专利
- Lu, Hui, et al., Biological Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Utilizing Sulfur Compounds as Electron Carrier to Minimize Sludge Production, (US 9,884,779 B2, Feb. 6, 2018),授权美国发明专利
- 吕慧等,以硫化合物作为电子载体以实现污泥产量最小化的污水生物处理及回用(特许第5923512号,2016年4月22日),授权日本发明专利
- 吕慧等,二氧化钛颗粒改性芳香聚酰胺分离膜及其制备方法(ZL 200610010287.1)
- 吕慧等,氧化铝颗粒/芳香聚酰胺共混分离膜及其制备方法(ZL 200610010480.5)
- 吕慧等,一种利用纳米二氧化钛改性聚砜酰胺分离膜的方法(ZL 200610010489.6)
- 吕慧等,TiO2/PVDF共混阳离子交换膜及其制备方法,(ZL 200710072042.6)
- 吕慧等,改性阴离子交换膜及其制备方法,(ZL 200710072040.7)
- 吕慧等,以硫化物为电子载体以实现污泥产量最小化的污水生物处理与回用,(ZL 201180057987.5)
- 吕慧等,一种硫自养反硝化颗粒污泥及其制备方法和应用,(ZL 201410248398.0)
- 吕慧等,一种硫协同反硝化同步脱氮除磷的废水处理方法,(ZL 201410326625.7)
- 吕慧等,一种硫协同反硝化同步脱氮除磷颗粒污泥的培养方法,(ZL 201410326806.X)
- 吕慧等,一种基于硫酸盐还原菌去除新兴有机物微污染物的水处理方法,(ZL201610154351.0)
- 吕慧等,一种去除水中新兴有机污染物的生物处理方法及应用,(ZL201610416235.8)