何春,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,教授,博士生导师。2003年毕业于中山大学获得环境科学博士学位,2003-2004年在香港理工大学土木与结构工程系任研究助理,2004-2006年在日本国立产业技术综合研究所任日本学术振兴会JSPS研究员,2007年在香港理工大学土木与结构工程系任研究助理,2008年在博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 任职。近年来主要从事环境污染控制和资源化等研究领域,先后主持国家自然科学基金、教育部留学回国人员科研基金、教育部高等学校博士学科点基金、中央高校基本科研基金、广东省自然科学基金重大基础研究培育项目、广东省科技计划等多项项目。在PNAS, Nano Today, Environ. Sci. Technol., Advanced Functional Materials, Adv. Mater., Applied Catalysis B, ACS Catalysis等国际学术刊物发表SCI收录论文170余篇,4篇论文入选ESI Top 1%高被引论文。申请中国发明专利17项,其中9项已授权。一些研究工作引起国际同行的重点关注,并作为Advanced Functional Materials、Environ. Sci. Technol.封面论文。应Nova Science出版社邀请参编了“New Topics in Catalysis Research”等7部国外著作。多次应邀在国际学术大会上作学术报告,并且被Environ. Sci. Technol., Appl. Catal. B, Appl. Catal. A, Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Hazard. Mater., Chem. Eng. J., Desalination, Environmental Science: Nano等国际学术期刊邀请为论文审稿人。
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- He, C.*, Gong, Y.B., Li, S.Z., Hu, L.L., Yang, Y.C., Sun, L.P., Shu, D* (2014). Efficient electricity generation and degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater using Ag-BiOI photoactivated fuel cell, Chapter 9 in “Green Catalysts for Energy Transformation and Emission Control”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 149-164, (Book Chapter).
- He, C.*, Zhang, Q., Yang, J. L., Xu, Z.C., Shu, D., Shan, C., Zhu, L.F., Liao, W.C., Xiong, Y. (2012) Visible-light-induced activity of AgI-BiOI composites for removal of organic contaminants from water and wastewater, Chapter in “Green Nanotechnology and the Environment”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (Book Chapter).
- He, Z.Y., Hu, Y.M., Huang, Y.J., He, C.*, Tan, X.Q., Hu, L.L., Yang, W.J., Li, H.Y., Xu, J.R., Xia, D.H. and Shu, D.* (2018). Performance of Membrane Filtration Combined Advanced Oxidation Process in Water Treatment and Mitigation of Membrane Fouling, Chapter 1 in “Membrane Bioreactors and Fouling: A Review and Directions for Research”, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 1-44, ISBN: 978-1-53614-363-8 (Book Chapter).
- Sharma, V.K., Ma, J., He, C., Kim, H., Zboril. R. (2014). Ferrate(VI): A green molecule in odorous gas treatment, Chapter in “Green Catalysts for Energy Transformation and Emission Control”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 277-290 (Book Chapter).
- Abou Asi, M., He C.*, Zhang, Q., Xu, Z.C., Yang, J.L., Zhu, L.F., Huang, Y.L., Xiong, Y., Shu, D. (2013) Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons using carbon-based AgBr nanocomposites under visible light, Chapter 10 in “Green CO2: Advances in CO2 Utilization”, Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 243-258 (Book Chapter).
- Sharma, V.K., He C. (2013) Recent advances in ferrites as visible light photocatalysts for remediation of contaminants in water, Chapter 4 in “Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World (ECSW)”, volume 3. Springer (Book Chapter).
- He, C., Xiong, Y. and Zhu, X. H. (2007). Dependent-preparation characteristics and catalytic activity of two platinized TiO2 films towards the oxidation of organic pollutants, Chapter 2 in “New Topics in Catalysis Research”, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 33-49, 2007 (Book Chapter).
代表性论文(* 通讯联系人)
- Qu, W., Tang, Z.Y., Tang, S., Zhong, T., Zhao, H.N., Tian, S.H., Shu, D., He, C*. Precisely constructing orbital coupling-modulated iron dinuclear site for enhanced catalytic ozonation performance, PNAS, 2024, 121: e2319119121.
- Zhen, X.Y. #, Zhong, T. #, Zhao, H.N.*, Huang, F., Huang, W.B., Hu, L.L., Dehua Xia, Tian, S.H., Shu, D., He, C*. MnO2-based capacitive system enhances ozone inactivation of bacteria by disrupting cell membrane, Water Research, 2024, 256: 121608.
- Qu, W., Tang, S., Tang, Z.Y., Zhong, T., Zhao, H.N., Tian, S.H.*, Shu, D.*, He, C*. Refining asymmetric low-coordinated Fe-N3 motif to boost catalytic ozonation activity. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2314187.
- Zhong, T., Long, X.H., Luo, M.H., Tang, S., Huang, W.B., Zhao, H.N.*, Hu, L.L., Tian, S.H., Shu, D., He, C*. Local microenvironment modulation of Pt0/Pt2+ nano-clusters inducing synchronous mass transfer effect to boost catalytic ozonation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 355: 124162.
- Zhang, H.J.#, Chen, C. #*, Lin, M.K., Zhou, L.Z., Wen, H.L., Zhong, T., Zhao, H.N., Tian, S.H., He, C.*. Boron-doped porous carbon boosts electron transport efficiency for enhancing Fenton-like oxidation capacity: High-speed driving of Fe(III) reduction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 343: 123535.
- Zhong, T., Tang, S., Huang, W.B., Liu, W., Zhao, H.N.*, Hu, L.L., Tian, S.H., He, C.*. Cu Nanocrystals coupled with poly (heptazine imide) for synergistically enhanced photocatalytic CH3SH elimination: facet engineering strengthened electron pump effect, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 343: 123476.
- Qu, W., Tang, Z.Y., Wen, H.L., Tang, S., Lian, Q.Y., Zhao, H.N., Tian, S.H., Shu, D.*, He, C.*. Optimization of carbon-defect engineering to boost catalytic ozonation efficiency of single Fe-N4 coordination motif, Small, 2024, 2311879.
- Long, X.H., Huang, F., Yao, Z.N., Li, P., Zhong, T., Zhao, H.N.*, Tian, S.H.*, Shu, D., He, C.*. Advancements in electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction: A comprehensive review of single-atom catalysts for sustainable ammonia synthesis, Small, 2024, 2400551.
- Zhao, H.N. #, Zhong, T. #, Huang, W.B., Guo, X.X., Ma, P., Wu, T.L., He, J.*, Hu, L.L., Xia, D.H., He, C*. Designing multi-functional MoS2/rGO piezocatalysts based on bacteria-catalyst topological interactions and electron pumping effects for efficient water disinfection, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 461: 142597.
- Qu, W., Luo, M.H., Tang, Z.Y., Zhong, T., Zhao, H.N., Hu, L.L.*, Xia, D.H., Tian, S.H., Shu, D.*, He, C*. Accelerated Catalytic Ozonation in Mesoporous Carbon-Supported Atomic Fe-N4 Sites Nanoreactor: Confinement Effect and Resistance to Poisoning, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57: 13205-13216 (封面论文).
- Wang, Y.Y., Ma, B., Zhao, J., Tang, Z.Y., Li, W.X., He, C.*, Xia, D.H., Linden, K.G., Yin, R.*. Rapid inactivation of fungal spores in drinking water by far-UVC photolysis of free chlorine, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 21876-21887.
- Qu, W., Tang, Z.Y.,Tang, S., Wen, H.L., Fang, J.Y.*, Lian, Q.Y., Shu, D.*, He, C.*. Cation substitution induced d-band center modulation on cobalt-based spinel oxides for catalytic ozonation, Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2301677.
- Wang, Y.Y., Ma, B., He, C.*, Xia, D.H., Yin, R.*. Nitrate protects microorganisms and promotes formation of toxic nitrogenous byproducts during water disinfection by Far-UVC radiation, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 9064–9074.
- Qu, W., Tang, Z.Y., Wen, H.L., Luo, M.H.,Zhong, T., Lian, Q.Y., Hu, L.L.*, Tian, S.H., He, C*, Shu, D.* Electron Transfer trade-offs in MOF-derived cobalt embedded nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes boosts catalytic ozonation for gaseous sulfur-containing VOCs elimination. ACS catalysis, 2023, 13: 692−705.
- Chen, C., Wang, Y.Y., Huang, Y.J., Hua, J., Qu, W., Xia, D.H.*, He, C.*, Sharma, V.K.*, Shu, D. Overlooked self-catalytic mechanism in phenolic moiety-mediated Fenton-like system: Formation of Fe(III) hydroperoxide complex and co-treatment of refractory pollutants, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 321: 122062.
- Qu, W., Chen, C., Tang, Z.Y., Wen, H.L., Hu, L.L.*, Xia, D.H., Tian, S.H., Zhao, H.N., He, C*, Shu, D.* Progress in metal-organic-framework-based single-atom catalysts for environmental remediation, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2023, 474: 214855.
- Qu, W., Liu, W., Wen, H.L., Qu, X.R., Guo, Y.F., Tang, Z.Y., Hu, L.L.*, Tian, S.H.*, He, C*., Shu, D. Boosting Fenton-like catalysis via electron tunneling-based C–Co charge-transfer bridge in nitrogen-doped cobalt@carbon nanotube-grafted carbon polyhedron, ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3: 213-225.
- Chen, C., Zhou, L.z., Zhang, H.J., Yang, Y.L., Lin, M.K., Xu, X.*, Qu, W., Zhao, H.N., Xia, D.H., He, C*. Eco-friendly lignin-based N/C cocatalyst for ultrafast cyclic Fenton-like reactions in water purification via graphitic n-mediated interfacial electron transfer, ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3: 248-259.
- Wen, H.L., Qu, W., Lin, M.K., Zhou, L.Z., Guo, X.X., Ma, P., Wu, T.L., Zhao, H.N.*, Zhong, T., He, C.*, Nitrogen-coordinated cobalt embedded in hollow carbon polyhedron for catalytic ozonation of odor CH3SH at ambient temperature, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144567.
- Wang, G.Y., Gao, A.M., Zhao, T.T., Meng, T., Yi, F.Y., Liu, C.*, Ling, Zhou, J.Z., He, C.*, Shu, D.*. Micropore-facilitated surface-dominated pseudocapacitive storage in MOF-derived hollow nano-cuboids enabled by in-situ Zn-sacrificed strategy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 143852: 469.
- Ma, D.R., Lian, Q.Y., Zhang Y.X., Huang, Y.J., Guan, X.Y., Liang Q.W., He, C., Xia, D.H.*, Liu, S.W.*, Yu, J.G.* Catalytic ozonation mechanism over M1-N3C1 active sites, Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 7011.
- Lian, Q.Y., Weiqi Liu, Ma, D.R., Liang, Z.C., Tang, Z.Y., Cao, J., He, C., Xia, D.H.*. Precisely orientating atomic array in one-dimension Tellurium microneedles enhances intrinsic piezoelectricity for an efficient piezo-catalytic sterilization, ACS Nano 2023, 17(9): 8755–8766.
- Ma, D.R., Yin, R., Liang, Z.C., Liang, Q.W., Xu, G.Z., Lian, Q.Y., Wong, P.K., He, C., Xia, D.H.*, Lu, H.*. Photo-sterilization of groundwater by tellurium and enhancement by micro/nano bubbles, Water Research, 2023, 33: 119781.
- Ma, D.R., Cao, J., Liu, K.R., Zhang, Y.X., Liang, Q.W., Huang, Y.J., Guan, X.Y., Hu, L.L., He, C., Xia, D.H.*. Interstitial carbon-platinum electronic metal-support interaction structure bost synergistic removal of O3 and CH3SH via surface atomic oxygen, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 329:122578.
- Tang, Z.Y., Qu, W., Lin, Z.H., Li, J.J., Wu, P.Z., Lian, Q.Y., He, C., Yin, R.*., Wong, P.K., Xia, D.H.*. Rapid and complete inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms by solar-assisted in-situ H2O2 generation using a polypyrrole-supported copper sulfide system. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 338: 123047.
- Lian, Q.Y., Liang, Q.W., X Guan, X.Y., Tang, Z.Y., Zhang, R.M., Yang, B.Y., Wu, Y.X., Zhao, H.N., He, C., Xia, D.H.*. High-coordinated BiV/BiIV regulates photocatalytic selective activation of structural oxygen and self-generated H2O2 dominating an efficient synergistic sterilization, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 331: 122724.
- Zhan, S.J., Huang, H.T., He, C., Xiong, Y., Li, P.*, Tian, S.H.* Controllable synthesis of substitutional and interstitial nitrogen-doped ceria: The effects of doping sites on enhanced catalytic ozonation of organic pollutants, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 321: 122040.
- Yang, J.L., He, S.M., Liu, H.W., Jaatinen, E., Waclawik, E., Quan, J.M., Sarina, S., He, C., Huang, S.C., Zhu*, H.Y., Wu, M.M.*. Enhancing visible-light photocatalytic performance of Au/TiO2, catalysts through light reflection-promoted optical absorption with oriented anatase mesocrystals, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11: 4751-4757.
- Qu, W., Tang, Z.Y., Liu, W., Liao, Y.H., Huang, Y.J., Xia, D.H.*, Lian, Q.Y., Tian, S.H., He, C.*, Shu, D. Self-Accelerating Interfacial Catalytic Elimination of Gaseous S-VOCs as Microbubbles in Facet-Engineered 3D-BiOCl Sponge Fenton-like Process, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 11657−11669 (封面论文).
- Wang, Y.Y., Yin, R.*, Tang, Z.Y., Liu, W.Q., He, C.*, Xia, D.H.*. Reactive Nitrogen Species Mediated Inactivation of Pathogenic Microorganisms during UVA Photolysis of Nitrite at Surface Water Levels, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 17, 12542-12552.
- Lian, Q.Y.#, Hu, L.L.#, Ma, D.R., Jiao, Y.M., Xia, D.H.*, Huang, Y.J., Tang, Z.Y., Qu, W., Zhao, H.N., He, C.*, Gang, D.D. Interstitial atomic Bi charge-alternating processor boosts twofold molecular oxygen activation enabling rapid catalytic oxidation reactions at room temperature. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32 (38): 2205054.
- Xia, D.H., Chen, Q., Jiao, Y.M., Lian, Q.Y., Sun, M.Z., He, C.*, Shang, J.*, Wang, T.Q.*, A modified flower pollen-based photothermocatalytic process for enhanced solar water disinfection: photoelectric effect and bactericidal mechanisms, Water Research, 2022, 217: 118423.
- Qu, W., Chen, C., Tang, Z.Y., Xia, D.H.*, Ma, D.R., Huang, Y.J., He, C.*, Shu, D., Bin Han. Electron-rich/poor reaction sites enable ultrafast confining Fenton-like processes in facet-engineered BiOI membranes for reclaimed water purification, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 304: 120970.
- He, C., Liao, Y.H., Chen, C., Xia, D.H.*, Wang, Y.Y., Tian, S.H., Yang, J.L.*, Shu, D. Realizing a redox-robust Ag/MnO2 catalyst for efficient wet catalytic ozonation of S-VOCs: Promotional role of Ag(0)/Ag(I)-Mn based redox shuttle, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 303: 120881.
- Zhao, H.N., Qu, W., Hu, L.L., Tang, Z.Y., Zhang, F., He, H.J.W., Xia, D.H.*, Wu, T.L., Li, X., Lian, Q.Y., Wong, P.K., He, C*. Coupling facet Cu (111)/(100) functionalized graphene aerogel for remarkable air disinfection filter: extracellular electron transfer and sharp-edge membrane penetration effect, ACS ES&T Engineering, 2022, 2, 2220−2233.
- Zhao, H.N., Guan, X.Y., Zhang, F., Huang, Y.J., Xia, D.H.*, Hu, L.L., Ji, X.Y., Yin, R.*, He, C*. Rational design of a bismuth oxyiodide (Bi/BiO1-xI) catalyst for synergistic photothermal and photocatalytic inactivation of pathogenic bacteria in water, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 100: 110-119.
- Qu, W., Wen, H.L., Qu, X.R., Guo, Y.F., Hu, L.L.*, Liu, W., Tian, S.H., He, C.*, Shu, D. Enhanced Fenton-like catalysis for pollutants removal via MOF-derived CoxFe3−xO4 membrane: Oxygen vacancy-mediated mechanism, Chemosphere, 2022, 303: 135301.
- Yang, J.L., Ma, D.R., Liu, W.Q., Liao, Y.H.,Xia, D.H.*, He, C. Efficient catalytic elimination of CH3SH by a wet-piezotronics system over Ag cluster-deposited BaTiO3 with electronic metal-support interaction, ACS ES&T Engineering, 2022, 2(7): 1179–1187.
- Tang, Z.Y., Ma, D.R., Qi Chen, Wang, Y.Y., Sun, M.Z., Lian, Q.Y., Shang, J., Wong, P.K., He, C, Xia, D.H.*, Wang, T.Q.*. Nanomaterial-enabled photothermal-based solar water disinfection processes: Fundamentals, recent advances, and mechanisms. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 437: 129373.
- Tang, Z.Y., Yin, R., Qu, W., Liu, H.D., Luo, H.J., Xia, D.H.*, Huang, Y.J., Shu, L.F., He, C. Flower pollen-based photosensitization process for enhanced solar disinfection of drinking water: reactor design and inactivation mechanisms. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2022, 2: 629−641.
- Ma, D.R., Liu, W.Q., Huang, Y.J., Xia, D.H.*, Lian, Q.Y., He, C. Enhanced catalytic ozonation for eliminating CH3SH via stable and circular electronic metal-support interactions of Si-O-Mn bonds with low Mn loading. Environmental science & Technology 2022, 56 (6): 3678-3688.
- Huang, Y.J., Ma, D.R., Liu, W.Q., Xia, D.H.*, Hu, L.L., Yang, J.L., Liao, P., He, C. Enhanced catalytic ozonation for eliminating CH3SH via graphene-supported positively charged atomic Pt undergoing Pt2+/Pt4+ redox cycle. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 16723-16734.
- Qu, W., Zhao, H.N., Zhang, Q., Xia, D.H.*, Tang, Z.Y., Chen,Q., He, C.*, Shu, D. Multifunctional Au/Ti3C2 photothermal membrane with antibacterial ability for stable and efficient solar water purification under the full spectrum, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(34): 11372–11387.
- Huang, Y.J., Luo, M.H., Li, S.Z., Xia, D.H.*, Tang, Z.Y., Hu, S.Y., Ye, S.T., Sun, M.J., He, C.*, Shu, D. Efficient catalytic activity and bromate minimization over lattice oxygen-rich MnOOH nanorods in catalytic ozonation of bromide-containing organic pollutants: Lattice oxygen-directed redox cycle and bromate reduction, J. Hazard. Mater. 2021, 410: 124545.
- Chen, X.X., Zhan, S.J, Chen, D.S., He, C., Tian, S.H.*, Xiong, Y. Grey Fe-CeO2-σ for boosting photocatalytic ozonation of refractory pollutants: Roles of surface and bulk oxygen vacancies, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021, 286: 119928.
- Yang, J.L., Huang, Y.J., Yun-Wen Chen, Xia, D.H.*, Mou, C.Y. Hu, L.L., Zeng, J.W., He, C.*, Wong, P.K., Zhu, H.Y. Active site-directed tandem catalysis on CuO/VO-MnO2 for efficient and stable catalytic ozonation of S-VOCs under mild condition, Nano Today, 2020, 35: 100944.
- He, C., Wang, Y.C., Li, Z.Y., Huang, Y.J., Liao, Y.H., Xia, D.H.*, Lee, S.C. Facet engineered α-MnO2 for efficient catalytic ozonation of odor CH3SH: Oxygen vacancy-induced active centers and catalytic mechanism,Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 2020, 54, 12771-12783.
- Hu, L.L., Liao, Y.H., Xia, D.H.*, Peng, F., Tan, L., Hu, S.Y., Zheng, C.S., Lu, X.L., He, C.*, Shu, D. Engineered photocatalytic fuel cell with oxygen vacancies-rich rGO/BiO1-xI as photoanode and biomass-derived N-doped carbon as cathode: Promotion of reactive oxygen species production via Fe2+/Fe3+ redox. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,385: 183824.
- Xia, D.H., Tang, Z.Y., Wang, Y.C., Yin, R.*, He, H.J.W., Xie, X., Sun, J.L., He, C.*, Wong, P.K., Zhang, G. Piezo-catalytic Persulfate Activation System for Water Advanced Disinfection: Process Efficiency and Inactivation Mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400: 125894.
- Peng, F., Yin, R., Liao, Y.H., Xie, X., Jianliang Sun, Xia, D.H.*, He, C.*. Kinetics and mechanisms of enhanced degradation of ibuprofen by iezo-catalytic activation of persulfate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 392: 123818.
- Hu, L.L., Liao, Y.H., Xia, D.H.*, Zhang, Q., He, H.J.W., Yang, J.L., Huang, Y.J., Liu, H.D., Zhang, F., He, C.*, Shu, D. In-situ fabrication of AgI-BiOI nanoflake arrays film photoelectrode for efficient wastewater treatment, electricity production and enhanced recovery of copper in photocatalytic fuel cell, Catalysis Today 2020, 339: 379-390.
- Yin, R.#, Hu, L.L.#, Xia, D.H.*, Yang, J.L., He, C.*, Liao, Y.H., Zhang, Q., He, J.*. Hydroxylamine promoted Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle on ilmenite surface to enhance persulfate catalytic activation and aqueous pharmaceutical ibuprofen degradation, Catalysis Today 2020, 358: 294-302.
- He, H.J.W., Hu, L.L., Zeng, J.W., Huang, Y.J., He, C.*, Zhang, Q., Zhang, F., Shu, D.*, Activation of persulfate by CuO-sludge derived carbon dispersed on silicon carbide foams for odorous methyl mercaptan elimination: Identification of reactive oxygen species, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(2): 1224-1233.
- Yi, H., Gao, A.M., Pang, X.K., Ao, Z.R., Shu, D.*, Deng, S.X., Yi, F.Y., He, C.*, Zhou, X.P., Zhu, Z.H. Preparation of single-atom Ag-decorated MnO2 hollow microspheres by redox etching method for high-performance solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3(10): 10192-10201.
- Xia, D.H.*, Hu, L.L., Wang, Y.C., Xu, B.H., Liao, Y.H., He, C.*, Ye, L.Q., Liang, X.L., Ye, Y.H., Shu, D. Immobilization of facet-engineered Ag3PO4 on mesoporous Al2O3 for efficient industrial waste gas purification with indoor LED illumination, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019: 256: 117811.
- Xia, D.H., Liu, H.D., Xu, B.H., Wang, Y.C., Liao, Y.H., Huang, Y.J., Ye, L.Q., He, C.*, Wong, P.K., Qiu, R.L.*. Single Ag atom engineered 3D-MnO2 porous hollow microspheres for rapid photothermocatalytic inactivation of E. coli under solar light, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019: 245, 177-189.
- Zhang, Q., Huang, Y.J., Xia, D.H.*, Hu, L.L., Li, P., Tan, L., Wang, Y.Y., He, C.*, Shu, D. Xie, X. High-performance water desalination of heteroatom nitrogen- and sulfur- codoped open hollow tubular porous carbon electrodes via capacitive deionization. Environmental Science: Nano 2019,6: 3359-3373.
- Huang, Y.J. #, Yang, J.L.#, Hu, L.L., Xia, D.H.*, Zhang, Q., Liao, Y.H., Li, H.Y., Yang, W.J., He, C.*, Shu, D. Mycelial pellet-derived heteroatom-doped carbon nanosheets with three-dimensional hierarchical porous structure for efficient capacitive deionization, Environmental Science: Nano 2019, 6, 1430-1442.
- Cheng, H.H., Yi, F.Y., Gao, A.M., Liang, H.F., Shu, D.*, Zhou, X.P., He, C.*, Zhu, Z.H. Supermolecule self-assembly promoted porous N, P co-doped reduced graphene oxide for high energy density supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 4084−4091.
- Yin, R.#, Hu, L.L.#, Xia, D.H.*, Yang, J.L., He, C.*, Liao, Y.H., Zhang, Q., He, J.*. Hydroxylamine promoted Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle on ilmenite surface to enhance persulfate catalytic activation and aqueous pharmaceutical ibuprofen degradation, Catalysis Today 2019.
- Liu, C., Gao, A.M., Yi, F.Y., Shu, D.*, Yi, H., Zhou, X.P., Hao, J.N.*, He, C., Zhu, Z.H. Anchoring ultrafine Co3O4 grains on reduced oxide graphene by dual-template nanocasting strategy for high-energy solid state supercapacitor. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 326: 134965.
- Liu, C., Yi, F.Y., Shu, D.*, Chen, W.X., Zhou, X.P., Zhu, Z.H., Zeng, R.H., Gao, A.M.*, He, C.*, Li, X. In-situ N/S Co-doping three-dimensional succulent-like hierarchical carbon assisted by supramolecular polymerization for highperformance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 319: 410-422.
- Li, S.Y., Gao, A.M., Yi, F.Y., Shu, D.*, Cheng, H.H., Zhou, X.P., He, C.*, Zeng, D.P., Zhang, F. Preparation of carbon dots decorated graphene/polyaniline composites by supramolecular in-situ self-assembly for high performance supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta 2019, 297: 1094-1103.
- Tian, S.H., Xu, S., Liu, J.T., He, C., Xiong, Y., Feng, P.Y. Highly efficient removal of both cationic and anionic dyes from wastewater with a water-stable and eco-friendly Fe-MOF via host-guest encapsulation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 239: 117767.
- Lu, J., Sun, J.X., Chen, X.X., Tian, S.H.*, Chen, D.S., He, C., Xiong, Y. Efficient mineralization of aqueous antibiotics by simultaneous catalytic ozonation and photocatalysis using MgMnO3 as a bifunctional catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 358: 48-57.
- Hao, J.N., Meng, T., Shu, D.*, Song, X.N., Cheng, H.H., Li, B., Zhou, X.P., Zhang, F., Li, Z.B., He, C.*. Synthesis of three-dimensional N&S co-doped rGO foam with high capacity and long cycling stability for supercapacitors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 537: 57–65.
- Xia, D.H., Xu, W.J., Yuncheng Wang, Yang, J.L., Huang, Y.J., Hu, L.L., He, C.*, Shu, D., Leung, D.Y.C.*, Pang, Z.H. Enhanced performance and conversion pathway for catalytic ozonation of methyl mercaptan on single-atom Ag deposited three-dimensional ordered mesoporous MnO2, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52 (12): 13399−13409.
- Xia, D.H., He, H.J.W., Liu, H.D., Wang, Y.C., Zhang, Q., Li, Y., Lu, A.H., He, C.*, Wong, P.K.*, Persulfate-mediated catalytic and photocatalytic bacterial inactivation by magnetic natural ilmenite, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 238: 70-81.
- Hu, L.L., He, H.J.W., Xia, D.H.*, Huang, Y.J., Xu, J.R., Li, H.Y., He, C.*, Yang, W.J., Shu, D., Wong, P.K. Highly efficient performance and conversion pathway of photocatalytic CH3SH oxidation on self-stabilized indirect z‑scheme g‑C3N4/I3—BiOI, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (22), 18693-18708.
- Hu, L.L., Peng, F., Xia, D.H.*, He, H.J.W., He, C.*, Fang, Z.K., Yang, J.L., Tian, S.H., Sharma, V.K. Shu, D. Carbohydrates-derived nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon for ultrasensitive detection of 4-nitrophenol, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6 (12): 17391−17401.
- Cheng, H.H., Zhou, X.P., Gao, A.M., Yi, F.Y., Shu, D.*, Song, X.N., Zeng, R.H., He, C.*, Li, S.Y., Zeng, D.P. Supermolecule polymerization derived porous nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide as a high-performance electrode material for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta 2018, 292: 20-30.
- Yang, J.L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, F., Xia, D.H.*, Liu, H.D., Tian, S.H., Sun, L.P., Shu, D., He, C.*, Runa, S. Three-dimensional hierarchical porous sludge-derived carbon supported on silicon carbide foams as effective and stable Fenton-like catalyst for odorous methyl mercaptan elimination. J. Hazard. Mater. 2018, 358: 136-144.
- Yang, J.L., Xu, W.J., He, C.*, Huang, Y.J., Zhang, Z.L., Wang, Y.C., Hu, L.L., Xia, D.H., Shu, D.*. One-step synthesis of silicon carbide foams supported hierarchical porous sludge-derived activated carbon as efficient odor gas adsorbent. J. Hazard. Mater. 2018, 344: 33-41.
- He, Z.Y. #, Xia, D.H. #, Huang, Y.J., Tan, X.Q., He, C.*, Hu, L.L., Huanjunwa He, Zeng, J.W., Xu, W.J., Shu, D.*. 3D MnO2 hollow microspheres ozone-catalysis coupled with flat-plate membrane filtration for continuous removal of organic pollutants: Efficient heterogeneous catalytic system and membrane fouling control,J. Hazard. Mater. 2018, 344: 1198–1208.
- Tan, X.Q., Wan, Y.F., Huang, Y.J., He, C.*, Zhang, Z.L., He, Z.Y., Hu, L.L., Zeng, J.W., Shu, D.*. Three-dimensional MnO2 porous hollow microspheres for enhanced activity as ozonation catalysts in degradation of bisphenol A,J. Hazard. Mater. 2017, 321: 162-172.
- Meng, T., Zeng, R.H., Sun, Z.Q., Yi, F.Y., Shu, D.*, Li, K.W., Li, S.H, Zhang, F., Cheng, H.H., He, C.*, Chitosan-confined synthesis of n-doped and carbon-coated Li4Ti5O12 nanoparticles with enhanced lithium storage for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165: A1046-A1053.
- Hao, J.N., Huang, Y.J., He, C.*, Xu, W.J., Yuan, L.B., Shu, D.*, Song, X.N., Meng, T. Bio-templated fabrication of three-dimensional network activated carbons derived from mycelium pellets for supercapacitor applications, Scientific Reports 2018,8: 562.
- Xia, D.H., Xu, W.J., Hu, L.L., He, C., Leung, D.Y.C. Wang, W.J., Wong, P.K.*. Synergistically catalytic oxidation of toluene over Mn modified g-C3N4/ZSM-4 under vacuum UV irradiation, Journal of Hazardous Materials J. Hazard. Mater. 2018, 349: 91–100.
- Meng, T., Yi, F.Y., Cheng, H.H., Hao, J.N., Shu, D.*, Zhao, S.X., He, C.*, Song, X.N., Zhang, F., Preparation of lithium titanate/reduced graphene oxide composites with three-dimensional "fishnet-like" conductive structure via a gas-foaming method for high-rate lithium-ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 42883-42892.
- Huang, Y.J., Xu, W.J., Hu, L.L., Zeng, J.W., He, C.*, Tan, X.Q., He, Z.Y., Zhang, Q., Shu, D.*. Combined adsorption and catalytic ozonation for removal of endocrine disrupting compounds over MWCNTs/Fe3O4 composites, Catalysis Today 2017, 297: 143-150.
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- Huang, Y.L., Cheng, H.H., Shu, D.*, Zhong, J., Song, X.N., Guo, Z.P., Gao, A.M., Hao, J.N., He, C.*, Yi, F.Y. MnO2- introduced - tunnels strategy for the preparation of nanotunnel inserted hierarchical - porous carbon as electrode material for high performance supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 320: 634–64.
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