
欣,教授,博士生导师,环境科学系主任。国家杰出青年基金获得者,英国皇家化学学会会士。本科毕业于南开大学环境科学系,2002 年进入香港科技大学进行深造,2007 年获香港科技大学土木和环境工程系博士学位,后于北卡罗莱纳大学师从 Philip C. Singer 教授从事博士后工作。长期从事水污染控制化学和饮用水水质安全转化方面研究,在国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文100余篇。担任Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering副主编、Environmental Science & TechnologyJournal of Hazardous Materials等期刊编委以及《环境化学》和Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering青年编委会编委等。 2020年起连续入选爱斯唯尔“中国高被引学者”和全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(斯坦福大学发布),获霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年科学奖、广东省自然科学奖二等奖(排名1)、紫金全兴环境基金青年学者奖、Environ. Sci. Technol.Super Reviewer Award



广州市番禺区外环东路132号博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 A405 510006
E-mail: [email protected]   




ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Xin_Yang69

Mendeley: //www.mendeley.com/authors/56145959800/                                                             


★ 课题组欢迎本科生以及具有化学、工程等学科背景的硕士生、博士生及博士后等科研人员加入到我科研团队。欢迎邮件联系!



1998-2002,南开大学环境科学系                          学士学位

2002-2004,香港科技大学土木和环境工程系      硕士学位

2004-2007,香港科技大学土木和环境工程系      博士学位



2007.09-2009.03University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill环境科学与工程系,博士后


2010.03-2015.12,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 百人计划引进人才,副教授

2014.11至今,博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 , 博导

2015.6-2015.9, University of New South Wales, 访问学者

2016.1至今, 博彩网站-博彩担保网-博彩评级网 ,教授







1. 水污染控制化学

2. 水质安全转化原理与技术、饮用水安全保障技术

3. 消毒副产物生成与控制、 新污染物控制原理与技术

4. 溶解性有机质的转化与利用原理



Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering副主编 (2021)

Bulletin Environmental Contamination and Toxicology副主编(2019)

Journal of Environmental Sciences 客座主编(2021)

Environmental Science & Technology编委(2021)

Journal of Hazardous Materials编委(2019)

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 青年编委会编委(2021)




中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会常委(2022 - )



2010 年,新世纪优秀人才支持计划

2011 年,中山大学合生珠江优秀青年教师奖励

2013 年,中山大学优秀青年教师培养计划

2014 年,第一批国家环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才

2014 年,中国环境科学学会第九届青年科技奖

2015 年,广东省杰出青年基金





2020 年起,全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(斯坦福大学发布)

2020 年起,Elsevier“中国高被引学者


2021年,Environmental Science & Technology优秀审稿人奖

2021年,Journal of Hazardous Materials优秀审稿人奖



2024年,2022年度Environmental Science & Technology超级审稿人

2024年,2022年度Environmental Science & Technology最佳论文





  1. 水污染控制化学,国家杰出青年科学基金,2025-2029

  2. -水相互作用对场地土壤污染风险与修复长效性的影响机制,国家重点研发计划课题,2023-2027

  3. 溶解性有机质对UV/过氧化物体系降解水中微量有机污染物的影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金,2022-2025

  4. 城市污水中新型微污染物的监测及控制技术研究,国家重点研发计划政府间/港澳台重点专项项目,2019-2022

  5. 紫外光/氯联用体系中含氮消毒副产物的生成机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2019-2022

  6. 二氧化氯耦合紫外/氯高级氧化工艺的净水技术研发,广东省科技创新战略专项资金项目,2018-2020

  7. 消毒副产物的生成与控制,国家优秀青年科学基金,2017-2019

  8. 金属离子和有机质共存对典型PPCPs光降解行为影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金,2016-2019

  9. 新型含氮消毒副产物的生成机理与风险控制研究 ,广东省杰出青年基金,2015-2019

  10. 新型持久性有机物在电子废弃物污染源及周边区域的迁移转化与修复,国家重点基础研究发展计划(青年973计划),2015-2019,骨干成员。

  11. 复合二氧化氯在饮用水消毒中的应用改进与示范,广东省科技计划项目, 2017-2019

  12. 农村饮用水二氧化氯消毒中的反应机制及风险评估,中山大学重大项目培育和新兴交叉学科培育计划项目,2017.4-2018.12

  13. 太阳光联合氯灭活微生物和降解有机物的技术研究,广东省科技计划项目,2015-2017

  14. 国标新增物质三氯水合乙醛的浓度水平、生成及控制研究,深圳市科技计划项目,2014-2016

  15. 新型含氮消毒副产物卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)的生成机理及控制研究,国家自然科学基金 2011-2013

  16. 典型抗生素在珠江三角洲地区水体中的分布与去除,中山大学青年教师培育项目,2011-2013

  17. 饮用水中溴代消毒副产物的生成机理及控制技术研究,中山大学青年教师重点培育项目,2011-2012



  1. Song, Z., Xu, J., Guan, J., Wang, P., Qiu, J., Lei, Y., Zhang, X., Kong, Q., Zhou, Y. and Yang, X.* (2024) Nanoscale Sequential Reactor Design Achieves Effective Removal of Disinfection Byproduct Precursors in Catalytic Ozonation. Environmental Science & Technology 58(28), 12697-12707.
  2. Peng, J., Pan, Y., Zhou, Y., Lei, X., Guo, Y., Lei, Y., Kong, Q., Cheng, S. and Yang, X.* (2024) Mechanistic Aspects of Photodegradation of Deoxynucleosides Induced by Triplet State of Effluent Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 58(10), 4751-4760.
  3. Zhou, Y., Lei, Y., Kong, Q., Cheng, F., Fan, M., Deng, Y., Zhao, Q., Qiu, J., Wang, P. and Yang, X.* (2024) o-Semiquinone Radical and o-Benzoquinone Selectively Degrade Aniline Contaminants in the Periodate-Mediated Advanced Oxidation Process. Environmental Science & Technology 58(4), 2123-2132.
  4. Wang, Y., Deng, Y., Yao, L. and Yang, X.* (2024) Colloid-bound radicals formed in NOM-enhanced Fe(III)/peroxymonosulfate (PMS) process accelerate the degradation of trace organic contaminants in water. Water Research, 120880.
  5. Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Ren, P., Zhou, J., Li, W.* and Yang, X.* (2024) Carbon dioxide radical anion mediated dehalogenation kinetics and mechanisms of halogenated alkanes. Water Research, 121799. 
  6. Lei, X., Lei, Y., Fu, Q., Fu, H., Guan, J. and Yang, X.* (2024) One-Electron Oxidant-Induced Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter: Optical and Antioxidation Properties and Molecules. Water Research 249, 121011.
  7. Pan, Y., Garg, S., Fu, Q.-L., Peng, J., Yang, X.* and Waite, T.D.* (2023) Copper Safeguards Dissolved Organic Matter from Sunlight-Driven Photooxidation. Environmental Science & Technology  57, 50, 21178–21189. 
  8. Kong, Q., Ye, L., Pan, Y., Zhou, Y., Lei, Y., Zeng, Z., Chen, S., Yao, L., Zhang, X., Westerhoff, P. and Yang, X.* (2023) Photochemical Transformation of Free Chlorine Induced by Triplet State Dissolved Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 57(29), 10849-10859.
  9. Lei, X., Guan, J., Lei, Y., Yao, L., Westerhoff, P. and Yang, X.* (2023) One-Electron Oxidant-Induced Transformations of Aromatic Alcohol to Ketone Moieties in Dissolved Organic Matter Increase Trichloromethane Formation. Environmental Science & Technology 57(47), 18597-18606.
  10. Lei, Y., Yu, Y., Lei, X., Liang, X., Cheng, S., Ouyang, G. and Yang, X.* (2023) Assessing the Use of Probes and Quenchers for Understanding the Reactive Species in Advanced Oxidation Processes. Environmental Science & Technology 57(13), 5433-5444.
  11. Peng, J., Pan, Y., Zhou, Y., Kong, Q., Lei, Y., Lei, X., Cheng, S., Zhang, X. and Yang, X.* (2023) Triplet Photochemistry of Effluent Organic Matter in Degradation of Extracellular Antibiotic Resistance Genes. Environmental Science & Technology 57(18), 7230-7239.
  12. Zhang, Q., An, B., Lei, Y., Gao, Z., Zhang, H., Xue, S., Jin, X., Xu, W., Wu, Z., Wu, M.*, Yang, X.* and Wu, W.* (2023) Cl2− Mediates Direct and Selective Conversion of Inert C(sp3)−H Bonds into Aldehydes/Ketones. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62(36), e202304699.
  13. Zhou, Y., Yixi, L., Kong, Q., Peng, J., Pan, Y., Qiu, J.* and Yang, X.* (2023c) Sunlight-Induced Transformation of Tire Rubber Antioxidant N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) to 6PPD-Quinone in Water. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 10, 9, 798–803.
  14. Wang, Y., Deng, Y., Yao, L. and Yang, X.* (2023) Colloid-bound radicals formed in NOM-enhanced Fe(III)/peroxymonosulfate (PMS) process accelerate the degradation of trace organic contaminants in water. Water Research, 120880.
  15. Lei, X., Lei, Y., Fu, Q., Fu, H., Guan, J. and Yang, X.* (2023) One-Electron Oxidant-Induced Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter: Optical and Antioxidation Properties and Molecules. Water Research, 121011.
  16. Yang, X.*, Rosario-Ortiz, F.L., Lei, Y., Pan, Y., Lei, X. and Westerhoff, P. (2022) Multiple Roles of Dissolved Organic Matter in Advanced Oxidation Processes. Environmental Science & Technology. 56, 16, 11111–11131.
  17. Cheng, S., Zhao, Y., Pan, Y., Yu, J., Lei, Y., Lei, X., Ouyang, G. and Yang, X.* (2022) Role of Antioxidant Moieties in the Quenching of a Purine Radical by Dissolved Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 56(1), 546-555. 
  18. Lei, X., Lei, Y., Guan, J., Westerhoff, P. and Yang, X.* (2022) Kinetics and Transformations of Diverse Dissolved Organic Matter Fractions with Sulfate Radicals. Environmental Science & Technology 56(7), 4457-4466
  19. Lei, Y., Lei, X., Westerhoff, P., Tong, X., Ren, J., Zhou, Y., Cheng, S., Ouyang, G. and Yang, X.* (2022) Bromine Radical (Br• and Br2•–) Reactivity with Dissolved Organic Matter and Brominated Organic Byproduct Formation. Environmental Science & Technology 56(8), 5189-5199.
  20. Li, T., Shang, C., Xiang, Y.*, Yin, R., Pan, Y., Fan, M. and Yang, X.* (2022) ClO2 pre-oxidation changes dissolved organic matter at the molecular level and reduces chloro-organic byproducts and toxicity of water treated by the UV/chlorine process. Water Research, 118341.
  21. Lei, Y., Lei, X., Yu, Y., Li, K., Li, Z., Cheng, S., Ouyang G., and Yang, X.* (2021) Rate Constants and Mechanisms for Reactions of Bromine Radicals with Trace Organic Contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 55, 10502−10513.
  22. Lei, Y., Lei, X., Westerhoff, P., Zhang, X. and Yang, X.* (2021) Reactivity of Chlorine Radicals (Cl and Cl2•–) with Dissolved Organic Matter and the Formation of Chlorinated Byproducts. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 689-699. 
  23. Chen, B.*, Jiang, J., Yang, X.*, Zhang, X.*, and Westerhoff, P.* (2021) Roles and Knowledge Gaps of Point-of-Use Technologies for Mitigating Health Risks from Disinfection Byproducts in Tap Water: A Critical Review. Water Research 200, 117265.
  24. Zhao, J., Shang, C., Zhang, X., Yang, X.* and Yin, R.* (2021) The multiple roles of chlorite on the concentrations of radicals and ozone and formation of chlorate during UV photolysis of free chlorine. Water Research, 116680.

  25. Cheng, S., Ge, Y., Lee, Y. and Yang, X.* (2021).  Prediction of Photolysis Kinetics of Viral Genomes under UV254 Irradiation to Estimate Virus Infectivity Loss. Water Research, 117165.

  26. Pan, Y., Ruan, X., Garg, S., Waite, T. D., Lei, Y. and Yang, X.* (2020) Copper Inhibition of Triplet-Sensitized Phototransformation of Phenolic and Amine Contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 9980-9989.
  27. Cheng, S., Lei, Y., Lei, X., Pan, Y., Lee, Y. and Yang, X.* (2020) Co-exposure degradation of purine derivatives in sulfate radical-mediated oxidation process. Environmental Science & Technology 54(2), 1186-1195.
  28. Wang, Y., Pan, T., Yu, Y., Wu, Y., Pan, Y. and Yang, X.* (2020). A novel peroxymonosulfate (PMS)-enhanced iron coagulation process for simultaneous removal of trace organic pollutants in water. Water Research accepted, 185, 116136.
  29. Wang, Y., Wu, Y., Yu, Y., Pan, T., Li, D., Lambropoulou, D. and Yang, X.* (2020). Natural polyphenols enhanced the Cu(II)/peroxymonosulfate (PMS) oxidation: The contribution of Cu(III) and HO•. Water Research 186, 116326.
  30. Kong, Q., Lei, X., Zhang, X., Cheng, S., Xu, C., Yang, B. and Yang, X.* (2020). The role of chlorine oxide radical (ClO•) in the degradation of polychoro-1,3-butadienes in UV/chlorine treatment: Kinetics and mechanisms. Water Research, 183, 116056.
  31. Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Pan, T. and Yang, X.* (2020) Oxidation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by peroxymonosulfate: The role of in-situ formed HOBr. Water Research, 169, 115202.
  32. Lei, Y., Cheng, S., Luo, N., Yang, X.* and An, T. (2019). Rate constants and mechanisms of the reactions of Cl and Cl2•– with trace organic contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 53(19), 11170-11182.
  33. Zhang, X., Zhai, J., Zhong, Y. and Yang, X.* (2019). Degradation and DBP formations from pyrimidines and purines bases during sequential or simultaneous use of UV and chlorine. Water Research 165, 115023.
  34. Zhang, X., He, J., Lei, Y., Qiu, Z., Cheng, S. and Yang, X.* (2019). Combining solar irradiation with chlorination enhances the photochemical decomposition of microcystin-LR. Water Research 159, 324-332.
  35. Gan, W., Huang, S., Ge, Y., Bond, T., Westerhoff, P., Zhai, J. and Yang, X.* (2019). Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances. Water Research 159, 348-357.
  36. Gan, W., Ge, Y., Zhu, H., Huang, H. and Yang, X.* (2019). ClO2 pre-oxidation changes the yields and formation pathways of chloroform and chloral hydrate from phenolic precursors during chlorination. Water Research 148, 250-260.
  37. Zhong, Y., Gan, W., Du, Y., Huang, H., Wu, Q., Xiang, Y., Shang, C. and Yang, X.* (2019). Disinfection byproducts and their toxicity in wastewater effluents treated by the mixing oxidant of ClO2/Cl2. Water Research 162, 471-481.
  38. Cheng, S., Zhang, X., Yang, X.* Shang, C., Song, W., Fang, J. and Pan, Y. (2018) The Multiple Role of Bromide Ion in PPCPs Degradation under UV/Chlorine Treatment. Environmental Science & Technology 52(4), 1806-1816.
  39. Pan, Y., Garg, S., Waite, T.D. and Yang, X*. (2018) Copper Inhibition of Triplet-Induced Reactions Involving Natural Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 52(5), 2742-2750.
  40. Huang, S., Gan, W., Yan, M., Zhang, X., Zhong, Y. and Yang, X.* (2018) Differential UVvis absorbance can characterize the reaction of organic matter with ClO2Water Research 139, 442-449.
  41. Pan, Y., Cheng, S., Yang, X.*, Ren, J., Fang, J., Shang, C., Song, W., Lian, L. and Zhang, X. (2017) UV/chlorine treatment of carbamazepine: Transformation products and their formation kinetics. Water Research 116, 254-265.
  42. Li, Y., Pan, Y., Lian, L., Yan, S., Song, W*. and Yang, X.* (2017) Photosensitized degradation of acetaminophen in natural organic matter solutions: The role of triplet states and oxygen. Water Research 109, 266-273.
  43. Yang, X.*, Sun, J., Fu, W., Shang, C.*, Li, Y., Chen, Y., Gan, W., Fang, J. (2016) PPCP degradation by UV/chlorine treatment and its impact on DBP formation potential in real waters. Water Research, 98, 309-318.
  44. Gan. W.H., Bond, T., Yang, X.*, Westerhoff, P. (2015) Role of Chlorine Dioxide in N-Nitrosodimethylamine Formation from Oxidation of Model Amines. Environmental Science & Technology,  49 (19), 1142911437.
  45. Deng, Z., Yang, X., Shang, C., Zhang, X.R. (2014) Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Differentiating Chlorine Substitution in Disinfection Byproduct Formation. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 4877-4884. 
  46. Yang, X.*, Guo, W., Zhang, X., Chen, F., Ye, T., Liu, W. (2013) Formation of disinfection by-products after pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide or ferrate. Water Research, 47(15), 5856–5864.
  47. Meng, F.*, Huang, G., Yang, X.*, Li, Z., Li, J., Cao, J., Wang, Z., Sun, L. (2013) Identifying the sources and fate of anthropogenically impacted dissolved organic matter (DOM) in urbanized rivers. Water Research, 47(14-15), 5027-5039.
  48. Yang X.*, Shang C., Shen, Q.Q., Chen, B.Y., Westerhoff, P., Peng, J.F., Guo, W.H. (2012)Nitrogen Origins and the Role of Ozonation in the Formation of Haloacetonitriles and Halonitromethanes in Chlorine Water Treatment. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(23), 12832-12838.
  49. Yang X.*, Flowers, R.C., Weinberg H.S., and Singer, P.C. (2011) Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in an Advanced Wastewater Reclamation Plant. Water Research, 45(16): 5218-5228.
  50. Yang X.*, Flowers, R.C., Weinberg H.S., and Singer, P.C. (2011) Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in an Advanced Wastewater Reclamation Plant. Water Research, 45(16): 5218-5228.
  51. Yang X.*, Fan C.H., Shang C. and Zhao Q.  (2010) Nitrogenous disinfection byproducts formation and nitrogen origin exploration during chloramination of nitrogenous organic compounds, Water Research, 44(9)2691-2702.
  52. Yang X.*, Shang C., Lee, W., Westerhoff, P. and Fan, C. (2008) Correlations between organic matter properties and DBP formation during chloramination, Water Research, 42(8-9), 2329-2339.
  53. Yang X., Shang C. and Westerhoff, P. (2007) Factors affecting formation of haloacetonitriles, haloketones, chloropicrin and cyanogen halides during chloramination, Water Research, 41(6), 1193-1200.
  54. Yang X., Shang C. and Huang J-C (2005) DBP formation in breakpoint chlorination of wastewater, Water Research, 39(19), 4755-4767.
  55. Yang X. and Shang C. (2005) Quantification of aqueous cyanogen chloride and cyanogen bromide in environmental samples by MIMS, Water Research, 39(9), 1709-1718.
  56. Yang X., Shang C. (2004) Chlorination byproduct formation in the presence of humic acid, model nitrogenous organic compounds, ammonia and bromide, Environmental Science & Technology, 38(19), 4995-5001.
  57. 徐建杨欣戴树桂刘广良 (2003) 涕灭威在水体悬浮颗粒物上的吸附行为,环境科学, 02, pp 87-91.










程双双,第九届全国环境化学大会优秀墙报奖(2017年)、  第十四届全国水处理化学大会优秀口头报告奖 2018年)



