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发布人:博彩网站 发布日期:2008-11-01

章卫华,讲师,博士, 2006年毕业于香港科技大学土木工程专业。




三、主要学术成就 主要科研课题
1Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W., and Lo, I. M. C., (2006). “Removal of Pb and MDF from contaminated soils by EDTA-and SDS-enhanced washing.” Chemosphere, (出版中).

2Tsang, D. C. W., Zhang, W. H., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006). “Modeling cadmium transport in soils using sequential extraction, batch and miscible displacement experiments.” Soil Sci. Soc. Ame. J., (出版中).

Zhang, W. H., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006). “EDTA-enhanced soil washing for the remediation of Pb- and /or Zn- contaminated soil.” J. Environ. Engr. -ASCE, 132(10): 1282-1288.

4Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W., and Lo, I. M. C., (2006). “Chemical-enhanced soil washing for Pb and MDF removal and their physiochemical Interactions.” ICIDEN 2006, Abuja, Nigeria, September 10-15.

5Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006). “EDTA-enhanced soil Washing for Pb Removal in the presence of MDF and SDS.” Brownfield Asia 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 6-8.

6Tsang, D. C. W., Zhang, W. H., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006). “Transport behavior of heavy metals during flushing of Cu-contaminated soil columns using EDTA.” Brownfield Asia 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 6-8.

7Zhang, W. H. and Lo, I. M. C. (2005) “EDTA-enhanced washing for remediation of Pb- or Zn-contaminated soils”, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Disasters, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 24-30.

8Lo, I. M. C., and Zhang, W. H. (2005). “Study on the optimal conditions for EDTA recovery from soil washing effluents.” J. Environ. Engr. -ASCE, 131(11): 1507-1513.

9、章卫华,李广贺,邵辉煌,张旭,卢晓霞 (2002). “包气带土层中石油污染物的微生物降解研究.” 环境科学研究,15(2): 60-62.

10、章卫华,李广贺,邵辉煌,张旭 (2001). “土层中石油烃类污染物索氏抽提流程改进及回收氯仿资源化研究.” 中国环境监测,17 (3).

11、章卫华, 李广贺,邵辉煌, 张旭 (2001). “包气带污染土壤营养以及污染物的生物降解研究.”环境科学与工程研究,钱易, 郝吉明, 陈吉宁, 唐新华, 清华大学出版社, 北京:182-185.